Warsaw and Kiev took a step forward in negotiations on the import of Ukrainian grain

Polish Prime Minister Tusk hosted his Ukrainian counterpart Denis Schmygal for talks aimed at reducing friction over imports of Ukrainian agricultural products and border blockades by disgruntled Polish farmers.
Poland is a staunch supporter of Ukraine, which is fighting a Russian invasion, but ties have soured in recent months over economic disputes, with farmers complaining that imports from Ukraine undercut the prices of their own produce, AFP reported.
"There will be no secure Europe without a free Ukraine," Tusk wrote on the X social network before the talks began.
Kiev has repeatedly called on its neighbor to ease cross-border traffic, warning that delays caused by the blockades could hamper arms supplies to the country.
"We rely on pragmatic and constructive dialogue and the development of effective solutions," Schmigal wrote on social networks.
So far, only low-level talks have been held between the countries, with no signs of progress. The Polish side tried to temper expectations ahead of the last meeting.
"It is difficult to expect any breakthrough after these talks, any concrete agreement on agriculture," said Tusk's chief of staff, Jan Grabec. "There are different positions on this," he added.
Ukraine's agricultural sector has been crippled by Russia's 2022 invasion, with many of the Black Sea export routes blocked and arable land unusable due to the conflict.
Talks between ministers from the two governments are also scheduled, at which defense cooperation between the allies will be discussed./BGNES