Trump's father 'resurrected' by AI: Donny, shame on you

In the previous US election cycle, deep rigging was only a looming threat, but this time it seems almost certain to have a corrosive effect on political discourse.
This does not always mean that AI-generated fakes are accepted as genuine. Experts note that the very existence of AI-generated images and audio means that politicians who have actually been caught saying something stupid or bad have a new excuse: they can simply blame the technology for the disturbing footage.
No one has latched onto this comfortable new reality more forcefully than former president and current White House front-runner Donald Trump, who has already repeatedly falsely claimed that his real-life videos and photos are the product of AI, Newsweek reports.
On February 16, an American court sentenced Donald Trump to pay nearly 355 million dollars after finding him guilty of fraud and banning him from running a business in the state of New York for 3 years.
Now the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump political committee that the former president claims used AI to generate unflattering clips of him, is flipping the script by using the technology to create footage of Trump's long-deceased father. who reprimands his son after the verdict.
"Donny, I always knew you were going to fail," says the AI-generated ghost of Fred Trump, who died in 1999. "I've bailed you out so many times. All your deals were for nothing. You can't even make money out of casino, you're screwed. I'm ashamed you're wearing my name."
A father figure
AI generated Fred Trump continues to pick on his son:
"Everybody knows why women leave you. You're boring, you're broke and I told you not to gain weight. You pay porn stars and you're skinny down there. Your kids hate you, especially the girl. How did a son of mine turn out to be such a damn fool? The brand , which I built, went to shit because of you... You'll be lucky not to go to jail."
Project Lincoln is completely upfront about the fact that it uses AI - unlike other cases. For example, when Joe Biden's fake voice was used to robocall voters in New Hampshire, or when a deeply faked audio recording of a New York state senator insulting his colleagues went viral. /BGNES