The Saudi foreign minister thanked for the recognition of Palestine

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan thanked Ireland, Norway and Spain for recognizing a Palestinian state, AFP reported.

During a visit to Madrid, he said these countries were "on the right side of history".

"We are here to thank Spain for giving hope in a very dark time," Prince Faisal said in Madrid, flanked by his peers from Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and the Palestinian Authority, before speaking with Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albarez.

"We are here to thank Spain, Norway, Ireland and Slovenia for making the right decision at the right time, for being on the right side of history, for being on the right side of justice," he added.

This month, the Slovenian government passed a decree recognizing a Palestinian state, which will be sent to parliament on May 30 ahead of a vote expected in the next few days.

Before the talks with their Spanish counterpart, the Arab ministers held a meeting with Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

Spain will continue to work for more European countries to recognize a Palestinian state, as well as "with our Arab partners and friends to normalize relations between Arab countries and Israel. And when the guns fall silent when peace comes, it will be time to build a horizon of final peace," Albarez said.

"Spain has a long tradition of friendship with the Arab world. Our historical, political and commercial ties, but above all our cultural and human ties, the ties between our peoples, have united us for centuries. And in this difficult moment, our friendship and frank dialogue acquire a special value and become a crucial element in building bridges between Europe and the Arab world," he concluded.

Of the 193 UN member states, 145 already recognize Palestinian statehood. /BGNES