The Pope calls for an end to the war in Gaza

In his annual "Urbi and Orbi" Mass at the Vatican on Christmas Day, Pope Francis called for an end to "war, all war, the very way of thinking about war - aimless travel, defeat without winners, unforgivable stupidity".

Let peace "come to Israel and Palestine, where war is ravaging the lives of these peoples," he said.

"I reiterate my urgent call for the release of those still held hostage. I plead for an end to military operations with their horrific toll on innocent civilians and call for a resolution to the desperate humanitarian situation by opening the way for humanitarian aid," said he.

"I plead for peace for Ukraine. Let us renew our spiritual and human closeness with its suffering people," he said, also calling for a resolution of the conflicts simmering in the Middle East, Africa and the Caucasus.

The war in the Gaza Strip made Christmas dark in Bethlehem, the biblical city in the occupied West Bank where Christians believe Jesus Christ was laid in a manger after he was born more than 2,000 years ago.

The city has ditched its giant Christmas tree, marching bands and lavish nativity scenes that usually attract tourists, settling for just a few holiday lights.

A huge Palestinian flag was flown in the center of the city with a banner that read: "The bells of Bethlehem are ringing for a cease-fire in Gaza." /BGNES