The Netherlands begins removing letterboxes

The Netherlands' iconic orange mailboxes will be phased out, the company announced.

Initially, 300 of the 11,000 across the country will be dismantled. The first settlements affected are in Noord-Holland, Friesland and Groningen.

The decision of the postal company Post NL caused angry reactions and negative comments on social networks. They had to explain that not all mailboxes would be removed after all, because the law forbade them. Regardless of the advancement of technology, the post office will continue to be required to collect letters. The removal measure was only for those boxes that have been unusable for a long time.

A spokesperson told local media that before dismantling begins, the company will survey how many of the intended mailboxes are in use. Because there was no need to waste effort and money and daily checking of all unused boxes.

"This means that in residential areas with more than 5,000 inhabitants, there is always a post box within a radius of one kilometre. In neighbourhoods with less than 5,000 inhabitants, there is always a mailbox within a radius of 2.5 kilometres," reassures the spokesperson.

Old school

It turns out that despite digitization and the large number of automatic lockers for receiving letters and parcels, many of the young Dutch are fans of the old school. In a local TV report, a 27-year-old user said he regularly sent friends and elderly relatives cards because it was too personal.

On social media, too, people showed sad and crying emoticons under the news of the closure of mailboxes. One of them says: “The card makes me happy. If only because of the effort that goes into it. My elderly grandmother still waits and enjoys receiving cards at Christmas.'

Another user added: "The decision is absurd because there are still so many elderly people who don't have a computer who need to use it. They don't get online cards, but physical ones give them real pleasure and a feeling of warmth.

In response to the criticism from the postal operator, they state that they have already conducted polls with municipalities and met with pensioner associations. As a result, it has been decided that in places like hospitals, and retirement clubs, regardless of the size of the settlement, no boxes will be dismantled.

The box gives way to the automatic

Many mailboxes may disappear in the coming years, but at the same time, automatic lockers are being installed in their place. The Dutch prefer them more and more because they can go to pick up their parcels outside of working hours, at the weekend, even in the middle of the night.

However, one thing is certain, regardless of the progress of technology and automation - there will be fewer mailboxes. The paper card will also continue to be distributed, the company assures. I BGNES


Apostol Apostolov, especially for BGNES from the Netherlands.