The European Parliament will not discuss the elections in Serbia next week

The European Parliament (EP) will not discuss the elections in Serbia next week, as parliamentary groups have not agreed to put the issue on the agenda.
The European People's Party (EPP), which has the most deputies in the EP and whose ranks include the rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilčik, was against the discussion of the mentioned topic for several reasons, N1 TV reports.
"There probably won't be a discussion about the elections in Serbia until the final report of the international observation mission, which also included representatives of the EP, is published in February. There was not enough support from the parliamentary groups to include such a topic on the agenda order of the plenary session, the EPP was particularly against," said an unnamed EP source.
Renew Europe MEP Clemen Groschel said on January 10 that the debate on the Serbian elections will be included in the EP agenda even before the final report of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSIHR), and that MEPs will react to the attacks by representatives of the authorities in Serbia. to the members of the ODIHR mission, especially Andreas Schieder.
The rapporteur, Vladimir Bilcik, said that an international investigation into the elections in Serbia is unlikely and that it is up to the institutions of Serbia to eliminate all irregularities./BGNES