The Chinese ambassador in Moscow: No force can bring discord between us and Russia

No force can bring discord to the Russian-Chinese tandem, said Chinese Ambassador to Moscow Zhang Hanhui, summarizing the results of the end of this year and on the eve of the 28th regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries.

He recalled that in 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, Moscow and Beijing have come a long way and both countries realize that building good-neighborly, partnership relations meets the interests of the peoples.

"In our turbulent time, in the era of colossal changes, the more unstable the world, the more obstacles created by villains, the more challenges arise, the stronger the mutual trust between China and Russia will be - the deeper their cooperation, the stronger their solidarity will be," the diplomat said.

The ambassador said the world was going through huge changes "unseen in the last 100 years, which are happening at an ever faster pace".

At the same time, according to him, the trend of "the rise of the East and the fall of the West" is increasingly evident, and history cannot be turned back, despite the wishes of some countries that are "playing the Cold War" to preserve their hegemony.

The diplomat emphasized that in 2024, Russia and China plan to significantly strengthen contacts at all levels. /BGNES