Taylor Swift named Time's person of the year

American pop star Taylor Swift, who rocked the music industry with a phenomenally successful tour, is Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2023.

"Much of what Taylor Swift has achieved in 2023 is immeasurable (...) She is committed to giving value to the dreams, feelings and experiences of people, especially women, who have felt neglected and routinely undervalued," said the magazine's editor-in-chief Sam Jacobs.

Swift's accomplishments as an artist - culturally, critically and commercially - are so numerous that listing them seems almost unnecessary, Time says.

"As a pop star, she is in rare company, alongside Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and Madonna; as a songwriter, she has been compared to Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney and Joni Mitchell. As a businesswoman, she has built an empire worth, by some estimates, more than $1 billion. And as a celebrity - who, by virtue of being a woman, is closely watched for everything from who she dates to what she wears - she has long enjoyed constant attention and knows how to use it." /BGNES