Sunak: A Putin victory in Ukraine will embolden other autocrats

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called on Kiev's allies to redouble their support for Ukraine, saying a Russian victory there would embolden other authoritarian states that defy the West, AFP reported.
"Ukraine is not alone and will never be alone. Putin may think he can beat us, but he's wrong. We are with you today, tomorrow and as long as it takes," Sunak stated.
"Because this war is about Ukraine's right to defend itself and determine its own future, and about the historic choice of the Ukrainian people to be an independent democracy in the heart of Europe.
Your quest for freedom has inspired and moved the British people, and for the free nations of the world, aid to Ukraine is also an investment in our own collective security.
Because if Putin wins in Ukraine, he will not stop there, and our opponents around the world believe that we have neither the patience nor the resources for long wars. So waver now and we will encourage not only Putin but his allies in North Korea, Iran and elsewhere.
That is why the United Kingdom and the free world will continue to support Ukraine, as we have done since the beginning of this war," added the British Prime Minister./BGNES