Simon Harris is the new Prime Minister of Ireland

The Irish Parliament has voted in favor of Simon Harris as the country's new Prime Minister. His predecessor, Leo Varadkar, abruptly stepped down last month, citing personal and political reasons, AFP reported.
Harris, 37, will become Ireland's youngest prime minister when he is officially installed in a ceremony attended by President Michael D. Higgins.
The centre-right Fine Gael party - part of a three-party governing coalition - elected Harris as its leader following Varadkar's resignation.
On April 9, MPs voted 88 to 69 in favor of him becoming prime minister.
"I am committed to doing everything I can to live up to the confidence you have given me today. This is very much a partnership government and I intend to lead us in a spirit of unity, cooperation and mutual respect," Harris told parliament.
"I want to bring new ideas and new energy and hope for new empathy in public life. Time is certainly short, and there is much work to be done," he added.
Varadkar said in his resignation that he no longer felt he was "the best person" to lead Ireland.
The outgoing leader, who was also the youngest prime minister when he was elected, said he "always knew" Harris would take the top job.
"This may have happened a little earlier than he may have planned or expected. But I know he will be up to the task," said Varadkar./BGNES