Reporters without Borders: The number of journalists killed by the israeli army in Gaza since 7 October 2023 has passed the 100 mark

Reporters Without Borders (RWB/RSF) - the international non-profit organisation, at the forefront of the defence and promotion of freedom of information, raised the alarm that the number of journalists killed by the Israeli army in Gaza since 7 October 2023 has passed the 100 mark and continues to grow.

RSF has announced, that it is filing its third complaint with the International Criminal Court about Israeli war crimes against Palestinian journalists in Gaza, in order to ask the prosecutor to investigate the crimes committed against Palestinian journalists in Gaza among which nine reporters were killed between 15 December 2023 and 20 May 2024.

BGNES is publishing the original text in full without editorial interference:

"Dear Friends, 

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) announced today (27 May), that it is filing its third complaint with the International Criminal Court about Israeli war crimes against Palestinian journalists in Gaza, in order to ask the prosecutor to investigate the crimes committed against palestinian journalists in Gaza among which nine reporters killed between 15 December 2023 and 20 May 2024.

The number of journalists killed by the israeli army in Gaza since 7 October 2023 has passed the 100 mark and continues to grow. These journalists have been killed or injured in the course of their work. RSF has reasonable grounds for thinking that some were deliberately killed and that the others were the victims of deliberate attacks against civilians by the israeli army.

This complaint is being filed on the ninth anniversary of Resolution 2222 on protecting journalists in wartime, which the United Nations Security Council adopted unanimously on 27 May 2015 and which stresses the importance of prosecuting and punishing war crimes against journalists.

Impunity endangers journalists not only in Palestine but throughout the world. Those who kill journalists are attacking the public's right to information, which is even more essential in times of conflict. They must be held accountable, and RSF will continue to work to this end, in solidarity with Gaza’s reporters.

It is thanks to your support that RSF’s teams are able to take these initiatives aimed at protecting journalists who risk their lives to do their job. We are extremely grateful to you for helping us to fight for freely reported and reliable news and information – a fight that is so essential.

Antoine Bernard, Director of advocacy and assistance of Reporters without borders (RSF)"


About RSF

Recognised as a public interest organisation in France since 1995, RSF has consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF). RSF has 134 correspondents around the world, 6 international sections (Germany, Austria, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland), 1 international headquarter (Paris), 7 offices (London, Brussels, Tunis, Washington DC, Rio de Janeiro, Dakar, Taipei). /BGNES