Prosecutors from countries whose citizens were killed on 7 October will land in Israel on 22 January

A delegation of senior prosecutors from countries whose citizens were among those killed or taken hostage in the 7 October atrocities committed by Hamas will arrive in Israel tomorrow to gain first-hand insight into the brutal terror attack.
Heads of prosecution from Germany, the United States, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Estonia, as well as representatives from the Japanese, Australian and Danish embassies, will visit towns and communities in the Gaza border region where Hamas carried out its deadly attack, the Justice Ministry said.

The prosecutors will meet with Israel's Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, State Attorney Amit Eisman and members of the legal team that defended Israel at the International Court of Justice against genocide charges in South Africa, and will receive briefings on the crimes committed by Hamas on October 7 from senior defense officials as well as the Foreign Ministry and Israeli police.
The delegation will also meet with relatives of those killed and taken hostage by Hamas on 7 October.
"This is another stage in the effort to improve enforcement measures against Hamas officials and operatives around the world," said Itamar Donenfeld, director general of the Justice Ministry.
"Visiting the kibbutzim in the south and meeting with the families of the hostages will be an opportunity to present a clear, accurate and first-hand picture of the heinous crimes Hamas has committed not only against Israelis, but against all of humanity," he added.