Orbán and Macron discussed the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU

"France supports the accession of the Western Balkans, including Serbia, to the EU".
This was stated by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán after a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, reported The Budapest Times.
"Some countries from the Western Balkans have been waiting for 15 years to join the EU. This is bad, maybe even humiliating. The vast majority of member states want the countries of the Western Balkans, including Serbia, to enter the EU as soon as possible," Orbán said.
He added that during its six-month presidency of the EU (starting on July 1), Hungary will work precisely in this direction.
The Hungarian prime minister said Macron also supported Budapest's plan to strengthen the European economy.
Orbán also indicated that he and Macron discussed relations between the two countries, current issues in the EU, as well as the war in Ukraine.
"I made it clear to the president that Hungary is neither on the side of Ukraine nor Russia, but stands for peace," emphasized the Hungarian leader.
Orbán indicated that he also discussed Budapest's relations with China with Macron, and pointed out that Hungary has a balanced and good relationship with Beijing. As for EU leadership, Orbán said the top positions have been decided, but stressed that Hungary has always been about including everyone in European decisions. | BGNES