Onions and sauerkraut are healthier without cooking

In recent years, the popularity of raw foods has grown. That's not to say there's no room for cooked foods in a balanced diet (in fact, it's quite the opposite), but eating some foods in a cleaner form is sometimes beneficial and indeed healthier.

Both cooked and raw foods are good for your health. It really depends on the type of food. Cooking food can destroy some enzymes and affect some nutrients. Eating some foods raw will ensure that they retain their nutrients. On the other hand, cooking can increase digestibility, availability of some nutrients and destroy harmful compounds and bacteria.

To summarise: one taste is not necessarily better than the other. Although it's not a bad idea to include raw foods in your menu. They are full of healthy qualities that you would lose if you cooked them.


Sauerkraut, like other fermented foods, are good for gut bacteria. However, heat will kill the good bacteria.


Onions are full of antioxidants. Exposing onions to heat reduces the benefits of phytochemicals that protect against cancer. Sulfur compounds in raw onions can also help reduce cholesterol levels by promoting insulin production and helping to break down blood clots.


Broccoli is one of those foods that divides opinions on how it should be eaten. Cooking them can increase levels of anti-cancer compounds known as glucosinolates, as well as make digestion easier. But you can certainly also benefit from consuming raw produce. In fact, raw broccoli can contain up to 10 times more sulforaphane (an anticarcinogen) than cooked broccoli.


Cucumbers are fresh, crunchy and soft in texture. Cooking them will not only affect their texture, but also reduce their nutritional content.


Watercress contains a number of enzymes that are damaged when exposed to heat. Consuming raw watercress will preserve its phytochemicals (anticancer compounds).


The minerals and fiber in avocados can be lost during cooking. However, avocados can still be cooked (although most people prefer them raw).

Red peppers

These are low in calories and rich in vitamin B6, vitamin E, magnesium and especially vitamin C. Red peppers should be eaten raw, as cooking greatly reduces their nutrients, especially vitamins B and C. I BGNES