NATO meeting in Prague with calls to drop restrictions on Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has called on the alliance's foreign ministers to allow Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike Russian territory.

The two-day meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague is focused on drawing up a package of measures to support Ukraine at the NATO summit in Washington in July.

The raging debate over whether Kiev should use weapons sent by its Western partners to strike Russian territory risks overshadowing the talks.

Ukraine is demanding that its backers, led by the United States, allow it to use the longer-range weapons they supply to strike strategic targets.

Some countries, including Britain and the Netherlands, allow Kiev to use their weapons to strike military targets in Russia.

Norway's Foreign Minister Espen Bart Eide also announced his support today, telling NRK television that Kiev should not fight "with one hand tied behind its back".

But the US and Germany have long opposed Ukraine's request, fearing it could bring them closer to direct conflict with Moscow.

"In recent weeks and months, most of the heavy fighting has been on the border between Russia and Ukraine," Stoltenberg said before the opening dinner with ministers.

"That's why I think it's time to review some of these restrictions to give Ukrainians the opportunity to really defend themselves," he stressed.

On May 28, French President Emmanuel Macron appeared to move the dial forward, saying Ukraine should be able to "neutralize" bases in Russia used to launch strikes.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, however, was more reserved, saying Ukraine had to act within the law - and Berlin had not supplied weapons that could have hit Russia anyway.

Across the Atlantic, the White House said it still opposed Ukrainian strikes against targets in Russia, although Secretary of State Anthony Blinken hinted at a possible change in that strategy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that there will be "serious consequences" if Western countries approve Ukraine.

"The member states of NATO, the United States and the capitals of Europe in recent days and weeks are entering a new round of escalation of tension," Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said.

Those pushing for the lifting of red lines on Ukraine hope the US and other allies will change course.

"I understand the concern that there are weapons systems that can be used quite far away, but I feel like we are making progress on this," Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky said.

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As NATO allies debate the thorny issue, ministers in Prague are scrambling to come up with a package of support measures to satisfy Ukraine, as its eventual membership in the alliance remains a distant prospect.

As NATO allies wrestle with the issue, ministers in Prague are scrambling to come up with a package of support measures that will satisfy Ukraine, as its eventual membership of the alliance remains a distant prospect.

NATO countries, led by the US and Germany, firmly stated that Kiev should not expect concrete progress on joining the Alliance at the meeting in Washington.

Instead, Stoltenberg wants to get alliance members to make clear, long-term commitments about the amount of aid they will provide to Ukraine in the future.

Last month he proposed a total target of 100 billion euros over five years, but it was not accepted by the allies.

Diplomats say debates are ongoing. Allies are trying to specify what the potential commitments would cover and how they might be structured.

One area where NATO appears closer to agreement is the plan for the alliance to take over from the US the coordination of arms deliveries to Ukraine.

Until now, Washington has been responsible for this, as NATO has refrained from participating in the arms supply due to concerns that it would prompt Russia to escalate.

Supporters of such a decision say that the alliance taking full responsibility would protect future supplies in the event of Donald Trump's return to the US presidency.

However, others fear that this structure could increase bureaucratic obstacles.

"We plan to put our support on a more stable footing, including with a greater role for NATO in coordinating security assistance and training, as well as with a multi-year financial commitment," Stoltenberg said on the subject. /BGNES