More than 170,000 thousand tonnes of Ukrainian grain have reached Africa

As part of the "Grain from Ukraine" initiative, over 170,000 tons of Ukrainian grain have reached starving people in countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen. However, Russia's unprovoked and illegal war of aggression against Ukraine has exacerbated existing food security challenges around the world and escalated the global food crisis.

This is stated in a document signed by the participants of the second international summit "Grain from Ukraine", which was published on the website of the Ukrainian presidency.

The conference was held under the auspices of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv.

“Food security is an increasingly pressing concern for people everywhere, but most especially in developing countries of the Global South. It is critical to ensure that safe, nutritious food is available, affordable and accessible to everyone,” the statement said.

The document recalls that a year ago, the first international summit on food security was held in Kyiv, which launched the "Grain from Ukraine" humanitarian program. In the first year, 34 countries and international organizations joined the initiative.

Ukraine is one of the world's leading food suppliers. It is also a reliable partner of the World Food Program of the United Nations. As part of the "Grain from Ukraine" initiative, more than 170,000 tons of Ukrainian grain were delivered to Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen. More than 25 countries have pledged around $220 million to support the humanitarian program.

However, Russia's unprovoked and illegal war of aggression against Ukraine has exacerbated existing food security challenges around the world and escalated the global food crisis. Russia is not only waging war on the battlefield, but is also seeking to cause a global food crisis by destroying Ukraine's civilian port infrastructure and grain warehouses, blockading Ukraine's Black Sea coast, and preventing legal transit into Ukraine's territorial waters.

"We strongly believe that the threat to the global food supply should not be used as a weapon of war, and we recall that starvation of civilians as a tactic of war is prohibited." Countries that compromise food security must face immediate international consequences," the statement stressed.

Participants noted that Ukraine's "Grain from Ukraine" initiative could serve as an effective tool to respond to the acute famine and highlighted the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, underscoring the right of peaceful passage for ships of all nations, including merchant ships , which is critical to global food stability.

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for his/her health and well-being, including food, as reflected in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The termination of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which has helped ease global pressures on food security, is a cause for deep concern.

Russia's attempt to use the renewal of the Black Sea Grain Initiative as a bargaining chip to ease the sanctions regime established in response to Russia's aggression and violations of international law is unacceptable," the document said.

The joint statement noted that Ukraine is actively creating, together with its partners, alternative routes, such as the Ukraine-EU Solidarity Roads, including the Danube Corridor and the Baltic Sea, to support grain exports to the world market, which helps all countries in need.

"We welcome Ukraine's efforts to achieve a just and sustainable peace. We support the goals and principles of the Peace Formula by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and believe that achieving a just and lasting peace will contribute to global food security," the joint communique also said.

The countries also highly appreciate the efforts of the international community aimed at supporting the Ukrainian economy, which is important for world food security: "We are confident that by working together, we will overcome the negative humanitarian and economic consequences of the global food crisis, exacerbated by the aggressive war of Russia against Ukraine. We welcome and encourage the continued joint efforts of the international community to increase pressure on Russia, ease Ukraine's Black Sea ports and prioritize global food security." /BGNES