Mitsotakis threatens Mickoski: You are not Macedonia

In the photo: Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis arrives at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, DC, USA.

On Monday, Mitsotakis left for Washington, where his participation in the NATO summit begins today.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis will raise the issue of the behaviour of the new state leadership of the Republic of North Macedonia and compliance with the Prespa Agreement. This is expected to happen during the NATO summit in Washington today.

The non-use of the constitutional name of the state by the new government in Skopje, headed by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, as the Prespa Agreement expressly provides, but also the overall position of the Prime Minister and the President of the RSM, who repeatedly emphasized that the country will be called " Macedonia" domestically, provoked a sharp reaction in Athens. In two interviews, Mitsotakis warned that he would raise the issue with NATO and warned that the neighbouring country's attitude was putting a brake on its European path.

On Monday, Mitsotakis left for Washington, where he will stay until Friday with a busy schedule. The main part of the trip is related to the jubilee event on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of NATO. The appointment of Mark Rutte as the new Secretary General of NATO will also be confirmed at the summit. For the first time, the summit will be held with the participation of 32 allies after the accession of Finland and Sweden.

The three-day summit - from July 9 to 11 - has a broad agenda, including strengthening the Alliance's defense capabilities and increasing the contribution of European NATO member states and Canada to the implementation of planned investments. Also on the agenda are reaffirming support for Ukraine, NATO's cooperation with partners such as the EU and the Indo-Pacific Quartet - Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea - as well as with countries in the Southern Neighborhood to address common security challenges such as terrorism, illegal immigration and the protection of free navigation. | BGNES