Mitsotakis: In the next 5 years, the EU will take important decisions

"The European elections are of particular importance; in the next 5 years, very important decisions will be taken in Europe".

This was stated by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis after voting in the European Parliament (EP) elections, Kathimerini reported.

"Today is a sunny day and we are voting for a strong Greece in a strong Europe. I want to emphasize once again that the elections are a celebration of democracy and the greater the participation, the stronger our democratic values ​​become," said Mitsotakis.

The Prime Minister explained that in the next 5 years, key decisions will be made in the EU and it is important that Greece has the best possible representation.

"The European elections are of particular importance; in the next 5 years, many important decisions will be made in Europe. It is extremely important to have a strong Greek voice and representation in the EP, which will allow Greece to defend its interests in Europe. We deeply respect and honor the citizens, who participate in this democratic process to express their own beliefs," he stated. | BGNES