Macron: We will help Brazil develop its own nuclear submarines

"France to help Brazil develop nuclear technology for submarines".
This was stated by French President Emmanuel Macron, AFP reported.
"I want us to open the door to new submarines, to look nuclear propulsion in the eye while fully respecting all non-proliferation commitments," Macron said at the launch of a Franco-Brazilian conventionally powered submarine in Itaguay near Rio de Janeiro.
The French president was speaking during a ceremony to launch Brazil's third French-designed submarine, which will help guard the country's long coastline, dubbed the Blue Amazon.
The construction of the submarines was outlined in a 2008 deal between Brazilian President Ignacio Lula and then-French head of state Nicolas Sarkozy, which also included the purchase of 50 Caracal helicopters.
Brazil also plans to build its first nuclear-powered submarine, the Alvaro Alberto, making it the first country outside the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to have such a facility.
French naval manufacturer Naval Group supported the design and construction of the submarine, except for the nuclear boiler, which was designed by the Brazilians.
Brazil is trying to persuade Paris to increase technology transfers to help it integrate the reactor into the submarine and sell it equipment related to nuclear propulsion.
France has refrained from transferring such technology because of the challenges of nuclear proliferation.
"The possibility of France cooperating with us, including in the field of nuclear energy, nuclear fuel, is being discussed," said Brazil's head of diplomacy, Maria Luisa Escorel de Moraes, who admitted it was a "strategic, sensitive, delicate issue."
However, the project has suffered significant delays, mainly due to budget constraints, and the nuclear submarine is now expected to be launched between 2036 and 2037, according to the Brazilian Navy./BGNES