Macron: ISIS tried to carry out attacks in France

The branch of the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadist group "involved" in the attack that killed 137 people in Moscow "has carried out several attempts" in France in recent months, President Emmanuel Macron said, a day after the country's security plan the country was raised to its maximum level, reported AFP.
"We must guard against any instrumentalization or distortion, but be demanding and effective. This is the spirit in which we are moving forward, and I hope that Russia will do the same," added the head of state upon his arrival in the French department of Guiana. while his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin pointed the finger of blame at Ukraine.
"It would be both cynical and counterproductive for Russia itself and for the safety of its citizens to use this context to try to turn it against Ukraine," he insisted to the press.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the concert hall outside Moscow on Friday night. Its Afghan branch, the Islamic State in Khorasan (ISIL-X), is the prime suspect for the world's terrorism experts.
In the words of Emmanuel Macron, the French intelligence services believe that this structure "instigated this attack and carried it out".
During the meeting at the Elysée Palace on March 24, the executive noted that "this particular group, which is apparently involved in this attack, has carried out several attempts on our territory in recent months," explained the head of state.
"So, given its ramifications and intentions, as a precautionary measure, but with reliable and solid elements," he "decided to raise" to the maximum level the national security plan, which was downgraded in January.
Macron assured the audience that France had "offered the Russian services, as well as our partners in the region, enhanced cooperation", "taking into account the information available to our services and the elements that could be useful to the Russians".
Asked if he would be able to discuss this directly with his Russian counterpart, he replied that "initially" contacts would be at the "technical and ministerial" level. "We will see how the context develops and whether the coming days or weeks will justify it," he added. /BGNES