Lavrov and Dacic strengthened the Russian-Serbian strategic partnership in the Balkans

"Relations between Russia and Serbia are developing at the level of strategic partnership, and Aleksandar Vucic and Vladimir Putin play a major role in this."

This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic at their meeting in Moscow.

"Russia wants to hear Serbia's assessment of the current serious situation in the Balkans, because we are all interested in preventing new regional crises," Lavrov said during the meeting.

Dacic said that "relations between the two countries are excellent because of the traditional friendship, cultural, spiritual and historical closeness of our peoples," Russian state media reported.

The Serbian foreign minister noted that bilateral relations are at the level of strategic cooperation, especially in the role of energy.

"The role of the two presidents, Aleksandar Vucic and Vladimir Putin, is particularly important," he stressed, thanking Moscow for supporting Serbia's territorial integrity.

Dacic also said that ties with China and Russia are key to Belgrade's national interests.

"It is important to know that in the UN Security Council there is one certain voice that will always be against the independence of Kosovo and Metohija and that will always be 'for' the territorial integrity of Serbia", pointed out Ivica Dacic.

The Russian first diplomat recalled that a friendly match between Russia and Serbia will be held in Moscow today in front of a full stadium.

"We are satisfied with the way in which the economic relations between the two countries are carried out. I think it is unacceptable to politicize sport," he pointed out. According to him, the policy led by the "collective West" is reflected in all international relations, especially in trade. /BGNES