Kondov: Constitutional changes in North Macedonia also depend on Belgrade

This is what Deputy Foreign Minister Ivan Kondov told BGNES at a hearing in parliament on North Macedonia's failure to implement the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighbourliness and Cooperation with Bulgaria.

Asked whether Bulgaria is warning its allies about Russian and Serbian influence in Skopje and the dangers for the EU if this anti-European project is allowed into the Union, Kondov replied:

"In general, we are trying, although perhaps more diplomatically than you have said, to draw attention to the fact that in this way an influence is being brought in that most likely comes from outside the European Union and from other countries. I have not spoken directly to the Foreign Affairs Council about the theory of Macedonism, there is simply no opportunity to say so many things in three minutes. But I agree that at some point we will have to talk about it, maybe not at a very high political level, but somehow start to draw attention to it, first through the media, then through academic conferences and so on. I agree that there needs to be some action there (on this issue). Our partners understand Belgrade's influence more and more clearly. They see the influence on Bosnia, Montenegro. Belgrade's role in the Western Balkans is becoming clearer to them."

Director of the Southeast Europe Directorate Momchil Raychevski pointed out the benefits of the recognition of the Bulgarian minority in Albania, thanks to a long-standing consistent Bulgarian policy, and made a comparison with the need to include Bulgarians in the Basic Law of North Macedonia.

Kondov added: "There is another capital on which a lot depends, and that is Belgrade. One of the ministers in the new Macedonian government of Serbian origin (Ivan Stoilkovic - ed.) calmly and proudly stated this and everyone supported him."

"The compromise agreed in 2022 on North Macedonia's European perspective has clear conditions that must be met. The inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution is only one of the points and a compelling precondition. Bulgaria will not allow the issue of the rights of the Macedonian Bulgarians to become a hostage in the pursuit of domestic political objectives in North Macedonia. This position is clearly stated to all our European partners. I can assure you that everywhere I have participated, including in the Foreign Affairs Council, I have raised this issue. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs defends the position at all levels in the Union and communicates in all bilateral and multilateral European formats the need for Skopje to provide equal and real opportunity for citizens with Bulgarian identity to defend their cultural and national identity," Ivan Kondov said at the hearing.

"We are actively informing the EU member states about the systematically imposed institutional and extra-institutional pressure on the Bulgarians in North Macedonia. We have taken measures to inform the Member States, the European Commission and the European Council about Bulgaria's position on the unacceptable behaviour of the new government in Skopje - the failure to implement the treaties, the aggressive anti-Bulgarian political rhetoric and the intentions to renegotiate the European consensus. There is full understanding of our position among the partners", the deputy minister said.

Kondov pointed out that another question is what the authorities in North Macedonia will do. They are talking about non-implementation, redirection of funds".

Regarding Skopje's blocking of the process of constitutional changes and the Good Neighbourhood Agreement with Bulgaria, Kondov said the Macedonian authorities have put it aside and are not implementing it.

The deputy foreign minister also commented on the possibility for Bulgaria and Greece to defend their positions towards Skopje in a package:

"This is a complex, delicate issue. Greece itself does not always agree to fully enter into a package with us. They have their own vision. When the new Macedonian government came in, in many cases we reacted together (with Athens - ed.) in a European context, but in the end they also have their own way of achieving their goals. A complete package cannot be achieved on this issue." | BGNES