Knife attack at Sydney church is 'terrorist' act

Australian police said a brutal knife attack during a live Sydney church service was a religiously motivated "terrorist" act and appealed to the angry local community for calm.
A prominent bishop is among those treated for "non-life-threatening injuries" after an attack at an Assyrian Christian church in Sydney's west.
"After reviewing all the material, I am declaring this a terrorist incident," New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb told a news conference.
Webb said the attack was considered an act of religiously motivated "extremism" that scared the public, both parishioners inside the church and people watching the service, which was streamed live online.
The suspect was "known to police" but was not on any terrorist watch list, Webb said.
Police who responded to the incident soon found themselves attacked by angry people outside the church, she said.
"People used whatever was available in the area, including bricks, concrete, pallets, to attack the police and throw things at the police, police equipment and police cars."
The injured officers were taken to a hospital overnight, Webb said, without giving numbers.
She added that the mob damaged 20 police vehicles.
"This is unacceptable and those who have been involved in these disturbances can expect a knock on the door. It may not be today. It may not be tomorrow, but we will find you and we will come to arrest you," Webb said. . /BGNES