Hamas: We are ready for a long war with Israel


The head of the Hamas political bureau said that the resistance forces in the Gaza Strip are ready for a prolonged war with the Israeli army. In a recorded speech, Ismail Haniyeh praised the resilience of the Palestinian people and the coordination of resistance factions "for dispersing the capabilities of the Israeli army and weakening it on multiple fronts."

"If the enemy wants a long battle, our capacity is longer than that of the enemy and our resistance will have the decisive word in it," pointing out that "the resistance is involved in a strategic conflict with the Zionist enemy and it will emerge victorious," he said. 

Ismail Haniyeh highlighted the "victories achieved by members of the resistance on the ground in the Gaza Strip", adding that "the heroes of Hamas are writing pages of glory in Gaza, comparable to their counterparts in heroism, courage and audacity, inflicting painful blows on the army of our enemy and his vehicles".

"The world will witness the al-Qassam Brigades and the resistance factions defeating the Israeli occupation of Gaza as they did 18 years ago," he said, referring to Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza. "They will reap nothing but more failures, disappointments and defeats," Haniyeh added.

He believes that "the people of Gaza and the resistance have thwarted the enemy's objectives and plans to displace or forcibly return hostages." He called for the implementation of the resolutions of the extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit held in the Saudi capital Riyadh days ago, especially those related to the "immediate cessation of aggression, the lifting of the siege of Gaza, the protection of the shrines and the realization of the aspirations of our people for freedom, return and independence".

Ismail Haniyeh also stressed the importance of the "rapid convening of a multi-country committee tasked with monitoring the implementation of the decisions taken at the summit". /BGNES