Greece may transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine

The Greek government may transfer up to 32 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. However, this requires the approval of France, News Break reports.

According to the agency, the Greek government plans to sell 108 fighters to be decommissioned (32 F-16C/-D Block 30, 24 Mirage 2000-5 Mk. 2 and 33 F-4E PI2000).

"In fact, in July 2022, a favourable opinion was requested from the relevant parliamentary committee for the sale of fighter jets and related and peripheral equipment (spare parts, simulators, tools and materials), whose value is estimated at €117 million. The sale never took place, and the condition of the fighter jets in open storage is steadily deteriorating," the article said.

The cost of the 108 fighter jets could be approximately €2 to €2.5 billion.

"The 32 F-16C/-D Block 30s, whose transfer to Ukraine is almost certain, are another matter altogether. It is worth recalling that fighters of this type have undergone two design upgrades during their service life and have already averaged about 60% of their service life," the article said.

According to the journalists, it is not so certain where the 24 Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2s, of which 14 are new-builds and the rest are upgraded Mirage 2000EGM/-BGMs, could go.

"The logical options are transfer to Ukraine or sale to India, of course with French approval". /BGNES