FBI: Derek Chauvin, the police officer who was convicted of murdering George Floyd was stabbed at a US federal prison

The Warren E. Burger Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, where former police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted for killing George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on 25 May 2020. EPA/CRAIG LASSIG

Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer who was convicted of murdering George Floyd during a 2020 arrest that touched off a wave of protests, was stabbed at a federal prison in Tucson, Ariz., on Friday, according to two persons with knowledge of the matter.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons released a statement confirming that an inmate at the Tucson jail was stabbed around 12:30 p.m., although the statement did not specifically name Mr. Chauvin, 47. According to those with knowledge of the scenario, no additional convicts or prison staff were wounded, and the incident was immediately contained.

EMS workers "initiated lifesaving measures" and rushed the convict to the hospital "for further treatment and evaluation," according to the report filed by the bureau. No information were immediately available about his condition, but one of the people with knowledge of the situation stated that Mr. Chauvin survived the attack. / BGNES