Erdogan: Turkey is ready to host Russia-Ukraine peace summit

"Turkey is ready to host peace talks between Russia and Ukraine," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.

"We are ready to host a peace summit where Russia is also present," Erdogan said at a press conference in Istanbul alongside his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, noting that Turkey was ready to provide all support to facilitate a new agreement between the two warring sides.

Pledging full support for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty, the Turkish president stressed that Ankara would also support efforts to reach a new agreement regarding the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Anatolian News Agency reported.

"Turkey supports Ukraine's territorial integrity and will strongly contribute to its reconstruction after the war," Erdogan noted.

Meanwhile, Zelensky thanked Erdogan and the Turkish people for their support for his country's territorial integrity.

He said Russia would not be invited to the first peace summit to be held in Switzerland and that a Russian representative could be invited to the next meeting after the road map for peace is discussed and agreed with Ukrainian allies. /BGNES