Erdogan: There are no unsolvable problems between Turkey and Greece

"There is no problem that cannot be solved between us and Greece. It is important to find a lasting solution to the Cyprus problem."
This was stated by Turkish President Recep Erdogan during his meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Hurriyet reported.
Erdogan noted that the meeting was constructive and that during the return visit the two leaders will develop a road map.
"We have just had a sincere, constructive meeting with the honorable Prime Minister. During our meetings, we discussed the bilateral issues in detail. We are working to achieve the goal of increasing trade exchange from 6 to 10 billion dollars," the Turkish president said.
He added that he and Mitsotakis share the view that there is "no place for terrorist organizations in the region," referring to the PKK and FETO.
"We expect the positive atmosphere in our relations to contribute to the rights of our compatriots," Erdogan added.
The head of state did not fail to criticize the way Israel conducts the war in the Gaza Strip.
"The Israeli administration continues to brutally attack Rafah. Turkey will continue its diplomatic contacts to force Israel to cease fire. There is no problem that cannot be solved between us and Greece. It is important to find a lasting solution to the Cyprus problem," Erdogan said.
"Our hopes for cooperation are increasing. Regarding the protection of Turkey's cultural heritage, as a result of the work done since the 2020 decision, we have reopened our Kariye Mosque for worship and visitation. We attach great importance to the preservation and service of each UNESCO heritage site. Career is also open to everyone," concluded the president./BGNES