EPP endorses Von der Leyen for a second term - UPDATED

The European People's Party (EPP) has endorsed Ursula von der Leyen as its candidate for President of the European Commission.

EPP representatives at the Bucharest congress approved her candidacy for a second term with 400 votes in favor and 89 against.

Von der Leyen pointed to the war in Ukraine, the crisis in Gaza, which is destabilising the Middle East, and China's growing influence as key challenges facing the 27-member bloc with a population of around 450 million.

"We are the party of the people, and we deliver on what they care about," Von der Leyen said in her speech as she sought delegates' support.

"Prosperity. Security. Democracy. This is what people need in these difficult times," she stressed.

Her re-election bid was approved by a secret ballot of some 800 delegates, MEPs and EPP leaders, including GERB leader Boyko Borissov.

The group has a big lead in opinion polls and is expected to remain the largest group in the European Parliament, making von der Leyen a firm favourite for the post of European Commission president.

Today, she pledged peace, prosperity and security for Europeans, committing to continue her strong support for Ukraine, strengthen Europe's economic competitiveness, ensure the rule of law and fight illegal migration.

"It is we Europeans who decide who comes to Europe and under what circumstances," she said. Her party's manifesto, presented on 6 March, includes a plan to transfer asylum claims to third countries based on the UK's "Rwanda model".

Von der Leyen also paid special attention to European farmers, who in recent months have confronted Brussels' bureaucracy during protests in EU countries and said her party would resist the growing threat of political extremes. / BGNES