David Cameron is the new foreign secretary of Great Britain

Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron has made a surprise return to politics after British leader Rishi Sunak appointed him as Foreign Secretary in a government reshuffle.

Cameron, who was Britain's leader from 2010 to 2016 before stepping down after losing the Brexit referendum, replaces James Cleverley, the former foreign secretary who unexpectedly took over as home secretary.

"I may not agree with Sunak, but I'm here to help," were Cameron's first words after his appointment.

He was all smiles as he made his way from Downing Street to the Foreign Office, the BBC reported.

"Although I have not been on the front lines of politics for the past seven years, I hope that my experience - as Conservative leader for 11 years and Prime Minister for 6 - will help me to help the Prime Minister," Cameron said.

He added that while he may "disagree with some individual decisions" made by Sunak, the prime minister is a "strong and capable" leader. /BGNES