China blocks 'extravagant' influencer accounts

The accounts of several internet celebrities in China known for their luxurious or extravagant content have been blocked on social networks, AFP reports.

China's internet is tightly regulated, and the country does not hesitate to digitally shut down individuals or companies that are targeted by the government or could cause unrest.

In April, China's internet regulator launched a campaign to remove from social networks any content that "deliberately promotes extravagant lifestyles and ostentatious wealth."

The Wanghongquanxing account, followed by more than 4 million subscribers and known for its videos of designer clothes, premium flights, and jade jewelry collection, was no longer accessible on Douyin, China's version of TikTok.

It is no longer visible "due to violations of community guidelines on Douyin," a message reads.

According to state media, the account was deleted at the beginning of the month, along with those of several luxury goods-related influencers.

The same goes for "Young Master Bo" (Bo Gongzi), an influencer account accustomed to being photographed driving a Rolls-Royce.

The account of "Sister Shell" (Baoyu Jiajie), an influencer who posted videos of her ornate mansion and was regularly seen covered in pearl and diamond necklaces, also seemed affected. Her content was no longer available on Bilibili, the Chinese equivalent of YouTube.

Douyin said it would begin to crack down on fake news being spread on the social network with the sole aim of increasing the number of views.

"Douyin directs creators to show their true and good life," the company said in a statement.

Chinese President Xi Jinping regularly praises "shared prosperity," a policy initiative that aims to reduce economic inequality in a country with large wealth gaps.

In 2021. Viya, then one of China's most influential internet celebrities, disappeared from the country's main social networks after a heavy conviction for tax evasion.

Viya was considered an iconic figure of "teleshopping." / BGNES