British experts give advice on adequately dealing with sunburns

With temperatures set to soar to 30 degrees across the UK on June 26, many Brits will be reaching for their trusty sun cream before heading out to enjoy the lovely weather. It's common knowledge that sunscreen protects against harmful UV rays, but even the highest SPF50+ can't always save us from a nasty burn if we overdo it or forget to top up our protection, the Mirror reported.

Sunburns are more common in fair-skinned people and young children, but they can affect anyone, regardless of age. Treating sunburn isn't always easy, with lots of conflicting advice and old tales of home remedies often making the problem worse.

However, don't despair if you've accidentally burnt yourself in the heat this week. There are several safe, budget-friendly, and doctor-approved home remedies for sunburn that can help ease the discomfort of your burned skin.
A simple but effective way to soothe sunburns is to take a lukewarm or warm bath and add a cup of whole oats. This affordable cereal will give your bath water a milky white color, and soaking in it for about 20 minutes can help relieve pain and restore your skin's natural barrier.

Dr Nisit Sheth from the British Skin Foundation spoke about the power of oats to treat inflammation, saying: "Oats and oatmeal are well known for reducing inflammation and are in some brand names for treating things like eczema , due to its anti-inflammatory effect".
It turns out that another stellar way to combat a painful sunburn starts way before the damage is done. Prioritizing hydration before, during, and after soaking in the rays can ease your skin's discomfort and prevent dehydration symptoms like headaches and dizziness.

If drinking liters of water sounds unappealing, there are alternatives like snacking on juicy watermelon, which is full of the inflammation-fighting antioxidant lycopene. Applying cooling aloe vera gel to sunburned areas is also a smart strategy due to its known cooling and anti-inflammatory properties.
Experts advise those who have suffered a nasty sunburn to get out of the sun quickly and gently cool the affected skin with a cool shower or wet towel. 

Afterwards, applying a specially formulated after-sun cream or spray can help relieve pain and discomfort. Those who need stronger relief can resort to pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

In addition, medical professionals advise to keep sunburned skin out of direct sunlight until it is fully healed.
One thing you should never apply to a burn, however, is petroleum jelly, as it can trap heat on the skin and actually make the burn worse. You should also avoid applying ice or ice packs directly to the skin or popping blisters.

Also, try to avoid wearing tight clothing that could rub the burn and disturb the sensitive skin while it heals, and don't try to scratch or peel the skin as it begins to peel. 

While home treatment is usually sufficient to manage most sunburns, it is critical to recognize the signs and symptoms of a more serious burn that will require additional medical attention, as severe sunburn can sometimes lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. blow. | BGNES