Borrell: The West supports Kiev in favor of its interests, not out of love for Ukrainians

"The US and the EU support Ukraine for the benefit of their geopolitical interests, not out of love for the Ukrainian people."
This was stated to CNN by the head of the EU's foreign policy, Josep Borrell.
During his participation in Christian Amanpour's broadcast, Borrell repeated the assertion of Brussels and Washington that Ukraine was not involved in the terrorist act near Moscow. He also called on the US to approve a $60 billion aid package for Kiev.
"You know the US has an interest in supporting Ukraine. Otherwise we would give Russia a free pass. And you know what will happen then. Remember Crimea. Remember Syria," the diplomat said, without elaborating further given.
"We cannot afford Russia to win this war. Otherwise, the interests of the US and Europe will be greatly harmed. It is not just about generosity, it is not about supporting Ukraine, because we love the Ukrainian people. It is in our own interest and also in the interest of the US as a global player, someone who should be seen as a reliable partner, a security provider for allies," said the head of European diplomacy.
A proposal to provide more than $60 billion in additional military aid to Ukraine has been deadlocked in the US Congress for months. Despite Russian warnings about the possibility of an escalation of the confrontation, Washington and its allies have already provided Kiev with more than $200 billion worth of weapons, ammunition and equipment since February 2022, arguing that this support does not equate them to a country in the conflict./BGNES