Biden accused Trump of botching funding for Ukraine

US President Joe Biden accused former President Donald Trump of turning Republicans against the passage of a $118 billion deal to support Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, as well as measures to strengthen US borders. He said that "history will judge the Republicans" if they abandon Ukraine. Biden called on the US Congress to "show some courage".
"There's every indication that the issue won't even make it to the Senate. Why? For one simple reason. Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks it's bad for him politically," said Joe Biden (quoted by The New York Times ).
According to Joe Biden, Congress has not taken any action to address the issue of securing America's borders because of "Donald Trump and his MAGA (Make America Great Again) Republican friends." During his speech, he also said that Republicans "must decide" who they "serve" - Donald Trump or the American people.
On February 5, Republican leaders in the US House of Representatives opposed the bill, which is being debated in the Senate. House Speaker Mike Johnson, Republican Majority Leader Stephen Scalise, Majority Leader Tom Emmer and House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik issued a joint statement. it said the bill would not strengthen US borders and would even lead to an increase in illegal immigration.
On February 4, the US Senate (controlled by Democrats) introduced the bill. It was developed jointly with the White House. The document provides $20.23 billion for border protection, $60.06 billion for aid to Ukraine, $14.1 billion for aid to Israel and $4.83 billion for aid to partners in the Indo-Pacific region ./BGNES