Beyoncé's childhood home in Houston caught fire

Beyoncé's  childhood home in Houston caught fire in the early hours of Christmas, local media in Texas reported.

According to ABC, the flames engulfed the second floor of the house, which is located in the Rosedale Street area of ​​the city's Third Ward.

The Houston Fire Department says they received a call reporting a fire around 2 a.m. on Dec. 25, and the family who currently lives in the home was still there.

Fortunately, no one was hurt, and District Chief Justin Barnes said, "They did a great job. I will say that in less than 10 minutes we were able to really get this fire under control."

The Knowles bought the house in 1981, the year the singer was born, for $64,000. However, they moved out a few years later, before her sister Solange was born in 1986. The home consists of three bedrooms and three bathrooms.

They say the fire was quickly put out before it could cause any major damage, with some of the family including two young children still in their Christmas pyjamas.

While Beyoncé, 42, hasn't spent much of her life in the home, it was an important part of her childhood, and many of her early home videos were filmed there. And at the local level, the place is considered a kind of landmark.

The "Break My Soul" singer has often spoken about her love for her hometown and recalled some of her favorite memories from her life in Houston in a 2019 interview with Visit Houston.

"Growing up in Houston was fun," Beyoncé shared. "We always had a huge backyard to play in. My mom would let my friends over all the time; it was like a non-stop party at our house."

She continued, "I had a great childhood in Houston!", detailing her visits home to her mother, Tina Knowles, saying, "When I get home to Houston, I go straight to my mom's house for a home-cooked meal. I love going to my church and going to my management company Music World Entertainment."

The global superstar added, "When I describe Houston to friends who have never been here, the first thing I have to tell them is: no, it's not like the country movies you see on TV!"

She continued, "I'd have to say some of my favorite memories of Houston are performing at my mom's hair salon and the music shows we went to trying to get discovered.

"I remember how hard my mom and dad worked, scheduling rehearsals, designing costumes, and booking concerts. Houston is where my stage presence and confidence developed. I love Houston. Some of the best moments of my life happened there This will always be my home!” declared the superstar./BGNES