Alain Delon was buried today

Today is the funeral of world cinema legend Alain Delon, who is 88 years old.

Jean-Michel Di Falco, a former bishop in the southeastern city of Gap, said the actor had asked him to officiate at the funeral.

He did not specify a place or a time for the ceremony, but the French news channels CNews and BFMTV announced that it will take place at 17:00. local time in Duchy-Montcorbon - a village in Central France where Delon spent his last years.

The actor stated that he did not want a national commemorative event, but a modest burial close to his dog in his property in Duši.

Delon was one of the last living legends of the golden era of French cinema in the 1960s. It starts on August 18.

The star is the architect - not always knowingly - of the unparalleled construction of French cinema. Few of the actors devoted themselves to work intensively. You've barely started your career, and you give it your all in "Under the Bright Sun" (1960) and in "Roko and His Brothers" (1961). Followed by "The Unknown" (1964) by Alain Cavaliere, "Mr. Klein" (1976) by Joseph Losey.

In 2017 Delon announced the end of his film career, which included more than 90 productions.

The actor suffered a stroke in the summer of 2019. and ottogava his health condition was constantly deteriorating. In recent years, the French rarely appeared in public, he looked much weaker.

The artist's work always passed through the filter of public opinion. Alain Delon was never satisfied with just doing the job, unless it was going to make the headlines. Art auctions and horse races were his hobbies, and everywhere he could boast of his blue blood - that of the stars. | BGNES