"Al Jazeera": The US has provided over 238 million dollars in military aid to Bulgaria

The US is the largest provider of military aid in the world. America also provides more foreign aid worldwide than any other country. Bulgaria has received over 238 million dollars in military aid from Washington, according to an analysis by "Al Jazeera".

Foreign aid is the total amount of aid given to countries outside the United States, including economic and military aid. In 2022, military aid accounted for 14 per cent of U.S. foreign aid, according to ForeignAssistance.gov, a nonpartisan U.S. organization that publicly provides foreign aid data.

In general, most foreign aid falls into the categories of economic and humanitarian aid. This includes monetary aid to support the long-term economic development of poorer countries, emergency aid needed due to natural or man-made disasters, and financial aid designed to support US political interests—usually in the form of military aid or military support.

In 2023, US foreign aid to Israel is mostly military, while foreign aid to other countries, such as Zimbabwe and Afghanistan, is 100% economic aid.

Which countries receive the most military aid from the US?


Since Israel's founding in 1948, it has been the largest cumulative recipient of US foreign aid, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military aid.
Approximately $220 billion (74%) of this is in the form of military aid, and the remaining $80 billion (26%) is economic aid.
Since 2008, Israel has received mostly military aid, with economic aid accounting for less than 1% of total US aid to Israel.


Ukraine has also received major military aid from the US. More recently, in March, a $300 million emergency military aid package was approved to replace depleted military supplies in the ongoing war with Russia.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine more than two years ago, the US Congress has approved five aid packages for the country totalling $175 billion. The last piece of legislation was passed in April 2024.


Since the 1979 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, the US has also provided military aid to Egypt to help strengthen the country's defence capabilities and fight "terrorism". In 2023, Egypt received $1.3 billion in US military aid.
In recent years, however, the US has begun suspending military aid to Egypt, citing the country's human rights record. In September, the US suspended $85 million of the total $320 million in military aid earmarked for Egypt. Democratic U.S. Senator Chris Murphy also called for an end to more military aid.

"The administration has rightly decided to withhold this first tranche -- the $85 million tied to the release of political prisoners -- because there is simply no doubt that not enough progress has been made," Murphy said.
Although Egypt has released more than 1,600 political prisoners since the start of 2022, he said: “During the same time, they have imprisoned another 5,000 people. So for every political prisoner Egypt releases, three more are jailed. It's one step forward and three steps back."

Taiwan and Lebanon

A source close to the Biden administration said the $85 million in military aid previously earmarked for Egypt would be redirected, with $55 million going to Taiwan and $30 million to Lebanon.


The USA also provides military aid to Bulgaria. Under the US-Bulgarian Defense Cooperation Agreement - a security partnership signed in April 2006 that gives the US military access to use Bulgarian military facilities - over the past five years the US has provided Bulgaria with more than $238 million to support military training, cybersecurity and military equipment modernization. | BGNES