A group of BBC professionals accuses the media behemoth of bias in its coverage of Gaza

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is facing claims from its journalists that its coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict is inaccurate, reported the Daily Sabah.

In a 2,300-word letter to Qatar-based Al-Jazeera, the journalists accuse the BBC of emphasising Israeli victims over Palestinians, ignoring critical historical context, and applying a "double standard in how civilians are seen" when compared to its reporting on alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

Fearing retaliation, the eight U.K.-based journalists elected to remain anonymous and do not intend to deliver the letter to BBC executives, as they doubt it will result in meaningful conversations.

Instead, they shared it with Al-Jazeera amid a rising humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where Israeli shelling is said to have killed over 14,500 Palestinians, including at least 6,000 children.

The journalists contend that the BBC's failure to accurately represent the conflict, through omission and a lack of critical engagement with Israel's assertions, prevents the public from understanding the human rights violations in Gaza. They wonder when the rising death toll will cause the BBC's editorial position to shift.

The representation of the battle in newsrooms around the world has spurred debate over language, empathy for victims on both sides, and how each group is portrayed.

The BBC journalists chastised the company for only using terminology like "massacre" and "atrocity" to describe Hamas, portraying the party as the sole instigator of violence in the region.

They contended that such framing is erroneous but consistent with the BBC's overall coverage. Despite accepting the nature of the Hamas incursion, the journalists emphasised that it does not excuse the indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinian civilians, and they asked the BBC to rethink the rationale it appears to support. /BGNES