779 journalists were jailed in 2023, 547 will spend New Year’s Eve in prison

Illustration/Photo: "Reporters without Borders" (RSF)

BGNES stands unfaltering and firm behind the freedom of speech and rights of journalists to shed light on the stories, which move the world. We publish as is the statement of Christophe Deloire, "Reporters without Borders" (RSF) secretary-general:

Arbitrary imprisonment of journalists is widely used in many countries to suppress the right to news and information. Nearly 800 journalists were jailed at some point in 2023 and almost 550 will spend the start of 2024 in prison. Nearly half of them are detained in just four countries – China, Myanmar, Belarus and Vietnam. 

“Each journalist in prison is by definition a journalist prevented from working. But it’s also a journalist who will be intimidated in the future. And It’s hundreds or even thousands of colleagues feeling a threat hanging over their head. So, the right to news and information of millions of people could be violated. Behind these statistics, there are human tragedies and political consequences. I salute the courage of all these journalists, women and men, who have dared to brave the dangers imposed by authoritarian governments. And I thank RSF’s team, especially our correspondents in more than 130 countries, for doing everything possible to obtain their release.

Christophe Deloire

RSF secretary-general