"Trend:" GERB remains the leader with a double-digit lead, there is no clarity about the second, third and fourth places

The option "I do not support anyone" collects 4.4%, but the result does not participate in the distribution.

Voter turnout in the upcoming early parliamentary elections will not differ significantly from that of the last vote for the National Assembly. 48% of adult Bulgarians living on the country's territory declare that they will exercise their right to vote. This makes the expected turnout for the parliamentary elections between 2 million and 500 thousand and 2 million and 700 thousand. The interest in the elections for the European Parliament is less and the turnout will be between 2 million and 300 thousand and 2 million and 450 thousand.

This is according to data from a "Trend" survey.

The pre-election campaign did not bring serious dynamics to the electoral attitudes and did not manage to solve the main intrigue of the upcoming elections - the battle for the second and third places. GERB maintains its leadership position with 26.5% of voters. We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria (15.3%), Vazrazhdane political party (15.1%) and Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) (14.9%) are fighting for the second place. The differences are within statistical error and the order of the polls could have been different. Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) maintains its fifth position with 8.5% of the voters, and "There is such a people" comes close with 5.9% of those who said they will vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Close to the parliamentary barrier and with a chance for parliamentary representation remains Solidarna Bulgaria (3.4%). Blue Bulgaria receives the support of 2.1% of voters. They are followed by VMRO (1.4%), Left (1.3%) and Bulgarian Vuzhod (1.1%).

The option "I do not support anyone" collects 4.4%, but the result does not participate in the distribution.

We do not consider a serious dynamic between the support for the parties in the parliamentary elections and those for the European Parliament. However, due to the negligible distance between the second, third and fourth, we cannot exclude a different arrangement in the vote for the National Assembly and the one for the European Parliament. nearly half a per cent weaker on them. |BGNES