The US Embassy hosts the largest American trade and investment delegation that has visited Bulgaria in recent years

On November 1 and 2, the United States Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, will have the pleasure of hosting a delegation consisting of 15 of the most successful American enterprises. The group will take part in a variety of high-level government and commercial activities.

The United States Department of Commerce and the American-Central European Business Association (ACEBA) are responsible for organizing this trip, which is the most significant business and investment delegation to visit Bulgaria in recent memory.

Companies from the United States that operate in the fields of healthcare, information and communication technology, cyber security, agriculture, defense, and financial services are represented in this delegation. They will meet with top members of the Bulgarian government as well as leaders of the business sector to examine prospects to boost trade and investment interchange between the United States and Bulgaria.

The United States Embassy in Bulgaria is committed to expanding our bilateral economic partnership in order to contribute to a healthier, safer, and more prosperous environment in Bulgaria. The total yearly value of bilateral commerce between the United States and Bulgaria is more than $2 billion. /BGNES