The politicians have voted: Without chaos and with a lot of responsibility

Political figures exercised their right to vote on election day. The promises made for Sofia are for faster development of the city - a cleaner capital, renovated streets, without chaos, management with a lot of responsibility and a city free from the power of money, reported BGNES.

The Central Electopn Commission's (CEC) decision to abolish machine voting is a hot topic today, when the voter has no other option but cast their vote with a paper ballot.

Denkov: People should rest assured that their choice will be accounted for correctly

"I voted for engineers, architects who can make Sofia much cleaner - a clean and beautiful city, where we want to live. Let's have kindergartens and be a normal European country". This was stated by the Prime Minister Academician Nikolay Denkov. The Prime Minister urged everyone to come out and vote.

"It is up to you what kind of environment you will live in for the next 4 years. Today, people should be calm that if they vote, their choice will be accounted for correctly," Denkov said.

Hekimyan: We are fed up with chaos, it's time for Sofia to be managed better

"I urge people to vote, this is the way to make our voice heard, I voted for a safer, cleaner and more orderly Sofia, for the people who have proven that they can be responsible". This was said by the candidate for mayor of Sofia, Anton Hekimyan.

"I voted to prevent the chaos in Sofia and other municipalities from happening again. We have seen chaos, it is time for Sofia to be managed better. I would have voted by machine if we hadn't lost confidence in this process. I want answers from the political figures who owe answers, but I haven't heard it in the last 48 hours", added Hekimyan. "I have confidence in all the people who participate in the election process", he emphasized.

Vasil Terziev: The vote today determines what will happen in Sofia. There is no supplementary exam

"Whether it's paper, parchment or stone, the responsibility is ours. The problem is that they removed the machines, the way they did it is scandalous, but that doesn't change the responsibility of each one of us. I hope the vote will not be tainted". This was stated by Vasil Terziev, the candidate for mayor of the capital of the "We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria" and "Save Sofia" coalition.

"I voted for a better, more organized and better managed Sofia. For a city we are proud to live in. I am optimistic for the future of Sofia and for the future of all of us", Terziev also said after exercising his right to vote. "I hope for a high voter turnout, because today's election predetermines the composition of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, predetermines the things that will happen or not in this city. And there is no supplementary exam". He called on the citizens of the capital not to be apathetic, but to come out and vote.

Grigorova: I voted for a city freed from the power of money

"I voted for Sofia, where every citizen can and should be heard. I hope that the controversies about technology have not overshadowed the ideas and messages of the candidates. I urge everyone not to accept themselves as silent witnesses to what is happening in their lives". This was stated by Vanya Grigorova, a candidate for mayor of the capital, after exercising her right to vote.

"We are participants in politics, not walker-ons, and now we have to show what we want and what we don't want to happen in Sofia. I voted for Sofia, which should be a brighter and freer city, freed from the power of money, a city where everyone feels at home. A city without elite and non-elite schools, a city without private streets, let the people come out and show that people are more important than machines", added Grigorova.

When asked by BGNES if she thinks she will go to a runoff, Grigorova answered: "I expect to win, not to go to a runoff. After 30 years of money rule, people should now feel represented", Grigorova also emphasized.

Petkov: The more they vote, the less the severity of electoral fraud will be

"I voted for no further renovations on Shishman Street. I also voted for a friend's street to be repaired, I voted for school facades to become nicer, municipal hospitals to become more normal. I voted to be able to tell the local government in the next 4 years that I want this and nothing else, because I voted". This was stated by the co-chairman of the "We continue the change" party Kiril Petkov, who also exercised his right to vote.

"What is important today is that the more people vote, the less serious any election fraud will be", Petkov added. "Vote like machines even though you use paper - I loved this line today. The number of invalid ballots will be clearly reported and all Bulgarians will see what it means to return to paper voting again. I care about my street, my city, and that's why I will vote, let everyone say that to themselves", urged Petkov.

Hristo Ivanov: The Electoral Code will have to be opened again

The path of reforms has no alternative. It is very important that each of us understand our responsibility and go out and vote today. We won't be able to vote tomorrow, we have to do it today. This was stated by the co-chairman of  "Democratic Bulgaria" Hristo Ivanov.

"The paper ballot unfortunately has a variety of proven weaknesses and opportunities for abuse. Machine voting was abolished without argument, but regardless, we shouldn't let it demotivate people. Machine voting has been waged a long war by all parties, completely irresponsibly. Obviously, the Electoral Code will have to be opened again", Ivanov added.

Fandakova: I voted for Sofia to continue developing

"I voted for Sofia to continue developing, for the work to continue", said Yordanka Fandakova to BGNES, who early in the morning exercised her right to vote in 73 SU "Vladislav Gramatikov".

"I hope that the next mayor will continue to work for Sofia at an even higher pace", said Fandakova.

Upon entering the school, whose director she was before taking the mayor's chair of "Moskovska", interviewers in front of the 93rd section rush to ask her if she will not return to the profession in the field of education.

Yordanka Fandakova is adamant that she leaves her successor a city with stable finances, with ready-made projects and with projects in progress.

Zhelyazkov: The parties should sit down and talk about serious changes in the Electoral Code

"I voted for the development of the city in which I was born and in which I chose to live and work. I voted for the city to live up to its motto, what has been happening for the last 20 years." This was stated by the Chairman of the National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov.

“The city had no transport infrastructure, now the city is fully fulfilling its motto. I thank Yordanka Fandakova, who was principled and fulfilled her content," Zhelyazkov also said.

The Speaker of the National Assembly commented that people vote, not the means of exercising the vote, so morality is in the people. "I believe that we will have an election that will lead to the election of worthy representatives of local self-government," emphasized Rosen Zhelyazkov.

Zhelyazkov stressed that he considered it necessary to make the State Agency for National Security (SANS) report public. "Let the passions of today and next week's run-off pass. In my opinion, the responsibility of the political parties is to sit down and talk about serious changes in the Electoral Code, so that technical means do not divide," added the chairman of the National Assembly.

Borisov: It was nice for us to win with machines, but the CEC made the right decision

"I voted to continue to manage Sofia well, to build kindergartens, schools, parks, fountains, avenues. I hope the new mayor starts building from Lyulin to Tsar Boris, the children's hospital they stopped building". This was stated by the leader of GERB, Boyko Borisov, who exercised his right to vote in Bankya.

"I think that what happened in the last days is not good, we were most pleased to win with machines, only reprehensible things happened and I would visualize so that you understand me. You have a password on your phone and computer, how would you feel if someone wanted to copy your password. This is what they did in the last days, without any right after an order was issued that he can't take pictures, he goes and takes pictures with his phone, this apart from raising distrust in people, I'm not the one to characterize them as if it's only reprehensible or is it an intervention", added Borisov.

The leader of GERB stressed that the CEC's decision was correct.

Ninova: The CEC has made its decision, those who are dissatisfied can appeal

"I voted for a change in the previous management model, for transparency, so that money is spent honestly and openly, that there are no traffic jams, that there is no reconstruction", said BSP leader Kornelia Ninova, who exercised her right to vote.

"The decision to cancel the machines has not affected badly (the elections). The (turnout) activity is slightly higher even. It is important that the election is fair and transparent, that there is video surveillance, that the members of the Sectional Election Commissions (SEC) keep it in mind if someone has decided to do something in the evening during the census. We were concerned that this might reflect on voter turnout. The authenticity of tonight's vote depends on the members of the Municipal Election Commissions (MECs) and SECs", Ninova stressed.

"I read the SANS report. The CEC has made its decision, we respect their decision, those who do not think so can appeal to the Supreme Court", Ninova said. According to her, the problem with the machines will not end with today's election.

Georgi Georgiev: I voted for the development of Sofia

"Today's elections are extremely important, because they will show in what direction and how Sofia will develop in the next 4 years". This was said by Georgi Georgiev, chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council and second in the list of municipal councilors from GERB-SDS after exercising his right to vote.

"I voted so that the city could continue to develop. I voted with preference for the municipal council, as well as for the mayor of the municipality and the region", says Georgiev. And he calls on voters to be active and go to the polls.

Bonev: Corruption in Sofia is coming of age. I voted for real change

"I voted for a real change in Sofia, because corruption is turning 18 today and in these elections, coming of age". This was stated by the candidate for municipal councilor and leader of the lists of the coalition PP-DB and "Save Sofia" Boris Bonev.

Bonev described the cancellation of machine voting as "a plot with very good coordination between offices, parties and institutions. In practice, sabotage for the integrity of the vote".

"It depends on us whether we will finally open a new page for Sofia. I urge everyone to come out and vote, especially for the Municipal Council, because there is no second round there. The people we choose now are cemented for the next 4 years. That is why it is important that there are no anonymous people who will only push the buttons at the behest of their party", emphasized Bonev.

"Vote and Sofia will change for the better!", urged Bonev and concluded by saying that regardless of party affiliation, everyone has an interest in fair elections. /BGNES