The Ohio Senate passed a resolution honoring Bulgarian-American cultural heritage

The Ohio Senate adopted a resolution honoring the Bulgarian-American cultural heritage, BGNES reported.

The document notes that Bulgaria and the USA are strategic partners and allies, sharing ties of culture, tradition and common interest.

The state of Ohio is proud to be called home to a large number of Bulgarian-Americans and their descendants who have contributed significantly to the economic development, multicultural diversity and enrichment of all aspects of life in the state of Ohio.
2023 marks the 20th anniversary of Ratification by the U.S. Senate of the Protocol for Bulgaria's Accession to NATO, the 80th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews by the Bulgarian people, 120 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and Bulgaria, as well as 145 from the restoration of the Bulgarian state.
Special attention is paid to the 80th anniversary of the salvation of Bulgarian Jews in the Second World War, which is recognized as a valuable lesson about the essential role in the mobilization of civil society in support of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. It is a powerful, positive example that inspires today's efforts by the civilized world to combat modern manifestations of anti-Semitism.
The resolution notes that Bulgaria, as a member of NATO and an integral part of the European Union, is a strategic partner of the United States and a key ally in Eastern Europe, contributing to stability in the Balkan Peninsula and the Black Sea region.
The Senate meeting was attended by a delegation led by Consul General Svetoslav Stankov, including Brenda Mooney from the McGahan Foundation and her daughter Sarah, Didi Patridge, president of the Association of Bulgarians in Cincinnati, Nadezhda Tanova, director of the Rodolyubie School, as well as and little Alex and his sister Kalina of Columbus. /BGNES