The new Mayor of Sofia Vassil Terziev and the new Metropolitan Municipal Council are sworn in today

The first meeting of the capital's new Municipal Council will be conducted today, according to a BGNES reporter.

The mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, Vasil Terziev, and the mayors of regions and town halls will take the oath of office.

Regional Governor Vyara Todeva, who will host the gathering at "Moskovska" 22 at 10:00 a.m., wishes everyone a successful mandate to develop Sofia into a contemporary European city.

The Metropolitan Municipal Election Commission notified the elected 61 members of the Metropolitan Municipal Council shortly after the first round of local elections at the end of October, according to BGNES. This time around, there isn't a single elected independent candidate on the council. "We continue the change-Democratic Bulgaria (Save Sofia)" will have 23 municipal councillors. 14 mandates were obtained by the local GERB-UDF combo. The "BSP for Bulgaria" party will have 9 municipal councillors, while the "Revival" party will have 8. The "There Is Such a People" party and the local KOD coalition will each have three municipal councillors. One will be a VMRO municipal councillor.

Vasil Terziev, the freshly elected mayor, has already indicated that Boris Bonev will be the WCC-DB and "Save Sofia" candidate for chairman. /BGNES