The "Glavchev" report: Caretaker government of Bulgaria successfully fulfilled its main task - organizing fair and transparent elections

The caretaker government of Bulgaria successfully fulfilled its main task – organizing fair and transparent elections for the National Assembly and the European Parliament. All activities were carried out transparently and on time, Dimitar Glavchev's office reports in the balance sheet of the work done from the beginning of the mandate until now.

The government press office notes the high evaluation received for the preparation of the election process, given by the foreign observers from the missions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Excellent coordination was achieved with the CEC and all responsible institutions. The Ministry of e-Governance ensured an open and transparent process in the authentication of voting machines, and for the first time there was the possibility to involve representatives of parties and NGOs. Over 11,100 polling stations broadcast live ballot counting on election night as an additional tool to ensure the transparency and fairness of the election.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs made serious efforts to limit as much as possible practices related to "buying votes". The election day passed peacefully, without serious incidents and violations of public order. 16,000 employees of the Ministry of the Interior were engaged in guarding the polling stations and processing the received signals of violations in real time.

In turn, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs created the necessary organization for the election day abroad to run smoothly. 769 polling stations were established outside the country in 60 countries.

In its report, the MC notes by area what has been done so far:


The office managed to speed up the processes of building the National Children's Hospital. The clearing of the land where the hospital complex will be built has started, shortening the deadlines for this stage of the project to the end of September this year. The Ministry of Health also made contact with the European Investment Bank in search of opportunities to shorten the period in which the bank must present an analysis of the structure, departments and capacity of the National Children's Hospital. As a result, the bank's analysis will be ready by the end of July this year. The goal is to provide all the conditions for the actual construction of the hospital to start already at the beginning of 2025. In parallel with this, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works is working on the completion of the ring road of Sofia, from where the necessary transport connection for the hospital complex is planned.

The first HEMS missions to provide emergency medical assistance by air were successfully carried out. In addition, the government has allocated nearly BGN 1 million to retrofit the medical helicopter so that it can be adapted for mountain rescue without the need to land. The machine will also be equipped with an incubator for newborns and with equipment to provide oxygen therapy from the helicopter to the ambulance.

Bulgaria's immunization calendar was updated in order to vaccinate newborns earlier, introducing the mandatory basic immunization, which includes whooping cough, as well as the mandatory basic immunization against pneumococci, to be carried out from the age of 6 weeks. Along with this, an opportunity was created for free immunization at the request of pregnant women at 27-36 weeks of gestation. For this purpose, additional vaccines were provided and immunization offices were opened in all 28 regions of the country.


The cabinet secured nearly BGN 80 million for higher education institutions, with the majority of the funds going to raise teachers' salaries by BGN 290. By 12%, the salary of the administrative staff and research staff at the universities also increased, and the salaries of these specialists have not been increased for years. Doctoral scholarships were also significantly increased.

The Ministry of Education and Science ensured the organization and smooth running of the state matriculation exams and the national external assessment, giving for the first time the opportunity for students to take the national external assessment exams on a second date if they are not satisfied with the result of the matriculation exam on the regular date.

From the beginning of the next school year, we are actively working to digitize the health and preventive cards for a child or student. The cabinet also adopted changes to the Inclusive Education Ordinance, according to which the state will provide technical means and software to support the education of children with physical disabilities and specific learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.

At the same time, the state supports the talent of Bulgarian students with nearly BGN 5 million through the National Program "Student Olympiads and Competitions" of the Ministry of Education and Science. In the month of June, nearly BGN 330,000 was allocated for scholarships to gifted children. The modernization of the material base of schools and kindergartens continues, including the construction of STEM classrooms under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan. The contract for the construction of a new National STEM center on the territory of Sofia Tech Park worth BGN 28 million was also signed.


The caretaker government did everything possible to increase pensions by 11%, which is the most favorable option for Bulgarian pensioners. From July 1, all pensions awarded until the end of 2023 increased by 11%, which will increase the income of nearly 2 million pensioners. Thanks to this modernization, the average amount of pensions for length of service and age in 2024 is expected to reach BGN 971, which is over BGN 110 more than last year. After the update, nearly 200,000 pensioners move above the poverty line.

A National Employment Action Plan was adopted, which will provide employment opportunities for nearly 10,000 unemployed, and over 9,000 unemployed will be included in training. An additional BGN 48 million has been provided to the municipalities for the provision of health and social services in the homes of nearly 46,000 people with disabilities and the elderly who cannot serve themselves by the end of 2024. A new home care program for elderly people with disabilities was launched in Northwest Bulgaria through home care centers. This is support for nearly 450 sick and elderly people who live in places where adequate care is lacking. The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy will finance through the Social Protection Fund 105 projects to improve the material base for the provision of social services with a total value of BGN 4.878 million, with their implementation supporting more than 20,000 people in a difficult situation. In addition, 3,300 persons with disabilities can apply until mid-July under a project to provide high-tech aids.


For a period of 2 months, more than BGN 915 million were paid to producers from the "Agriculture" sector. Of these funds, nearly BGN 300 million represents the so-called "Ukrainian aid", the payment of which in full and in the shortest possible time was among the first commitments of the caretaker government to the sector. Within a month, all the documents related to the 17th amendment of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 were prepared and sent to the EC offices. Its approval will allow funds in the amount of over BGN 220 million to be directed to farmers, as well as municipal infrastructure projects. In order to effectively combat hailstorms and protect the agricultural production of farmers in the country, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has launched a procedure for the construction of 24 new missile sites - in the regions of Sliven, Pleven, Vidin, Pazardzhik, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora and Haskovo.


For the first time in its fifty-year history, the Kozloduy NPP operated with alternative fuel. In the nuclear power plant, the first 43 cartridges with an alternative type of fuel produced by the American "Westinghouse" were loaded. In this way, our country guarantees energy security, reliable supplies, safe operation, as well as real diversification and detachment from almost complete dependence on Russia. At the same time, with the planned construction of units 7 and 8 of the Kozloduy NPP, the state will continue to purposefully pursue its goals related to the development of nuclear energy, the production of which is emission-free, fully in line with the EU criteria for the Green Deal and accessible to consumers .

Another step that strengthens Bulgaria's place on the energy map of Europe are the two main contracts signed in June for the construction of the Vertical Gas Corridor - for the loops Kulata-Kresna and Rupcha-Vetrino. With this, the real activities to increase the capacities between Greece and Bulgaria and Bulgaria and Romania have started, after the completion of which the Bulgarian gas transmission infrastructure will be able to supply additional quantities of liquefied natural gas from reliable sources, including the USA, Azerbaijan, Egypt and others. After the planned termination of the transit of Russian natural gas through Ukraine from the beginning of 2025, the Vertical Gas Corridor, initiated by Bulgaria, will establish itself as an infrastructure of leading importance for the entire region.

The Cabinet also allocated BGN 250 million for "Mini Maritsa-East" - to ensure all the necessary activities and measures for the restoration of the disturbed territories and bringing the "East Maritsa Coal Basin" deposit to a sustainable state. This allowed this base power to continue its work, without social tension and in accordance with environmental requirements.

The government also adopted a Program for compensating the costs of end customers for electricity for the first six months of the current year 2024. The program was secured with BGN 30 million, with which nurseries and kindergartens, schools, community centers, churches and monasteries, and sports schools were supported to cover the difference between the market price and the regulated price for electricity. In addition, the Ministry of Energy initiated a number of measures enabling the increase in the price of electricity for household consumers to be limited.


The caretaker government continued to work on the technical preparation of our country for eurozone membership, as well as on improving the business environment and the institutional framework to achieve sustainable convergence with the eurozone. The preparation of the legislation for the introduction of the euro as the national official monetary unit of Bulgaria is in its final phase, and in June the bill for the introduction of the euro in the Republic of Bulgaria was approved by the Council of Ministers and submitted to the National Assembly. In April, a Partnership Agreement was signed between the European Commission and the Republic of Bulgaria for the organization of information and communication campaigns regarding the introduction of the euro in the country.

The caretaker government ensured effective coordination in the management of Cohesion Policy funds. From his appointment to the present moment, procedures have been opened for the provision of financial assistance totaling BGN 1.143 billion, which has provided access to financing to Bulgarian municipalities, citizens and businesses. The sustainable trend of regularly submitting applications for payment to the European Commission and receiving revenues under the shared management programs for both program periods 2014 – 2020 and 2021 – 2027 has been maintained. During the period, 22 reports were received for nearly 850 million. BGN as part of them have already been certified and sent to the EC for reimbursement of the claimed expenses, and the rest are to be sent at the beginning of July.


The possibilities of the five main regional forensic laboratories in SDVR, ODMVR Burgas, Varna, Pleven and Plovdiv with regard to the investigation of synthetic drugs have been expanded. The goal is to decentralize the preparation of this type of expertise, which will lead to their uniform redistribution to the renewed regional laboratories and shortening of the deadlines for their implementation.

The regional administrations in Shabla, Albena, Roman, Varshets, Polski Trambesh, Strazhitsa, Belene, Kamenovo and Jebel have been restored. They were closed two years ago, and by order of Minister Kalin Stoyanov, they are working again for the security of citizens. The entire state of police departments is filled and with their restoration, peace, security and justice will be restored to the citizens. The goal is to ensure an effective presence in small towns as well

With the restoration of the GPU - Bolyarovo and GPU - Kalotina, it is possible for the border police forces to react much faster

Actions with the National Revenue Agency, the Ministry of the Interior, the GDBOP and the Customs Agency

The joint efforts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - GDBOP, GDGP, Customs Agency and the National Revenue Agency to cross the smuggling channels continue. Within the framework of successful joint operations against smuggling at the border crossings in our country, nearly 8,000,000 contraband cigarettes, 1,500,000 fake tobacco labels, heroin, undeclared currency, goods for yacht equipment, etc. were seized.


At a joint briefing in the Council of Ministers with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Prime Minister Glavchev confirmed Bulgaria's firm support for Ukraine.

At the beginning of June, the Ministry of Defense provided Ukraine with military-technical assistance in the amount of 2,075,233 euros. The preparation of a new significant package of military aid, aimed at the real needs of the Ukrainian armed forces, continued.

To ensure the safety of maritime traffic in the Black Sea, the caretaker government has decided to send forces and assets from the Navy to participate in the Black Sea Mine Action Naval Group, in which we participate together with Romania and Turkey.

Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev also joined the initiative of Switzerland and Ukraine to convene the first Summit for Peace in Ukraine. At an international conference in Berlin at the highest level, the prime minister also stated Bulgaria's readiness to make a concrete contribution to the recovery of Ukraine. In addition to the acceleration of the process for the purchase and sale of the available equipment for the Belene NPP, which will allow the Ukrainian side to build new capacity, companies from the "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD group will donate to the Ukrainian side equipment worth more than 1 million. BGN, which will support the restoration of production capacities. A corridor for the export of electricity produced in Bulgaria to Ukraine will also be created to ensure the continuity of electricity for Ukrainian citizens in winter. In addition, Bulgarian companies are ready to get involved in projects for the restoration of power plants, power transmission networks and gas infrastructure. Our business has the capacity to participate also in activities of construction of transport and water supply infrastructure, construction of residential and public buildings.


In the field of regional policy and public works, already in the first days of the mandate, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications restored the work of the tender commissions on the procedures for the selection of contractors for ongoing repairs and maintenance. The Road Infrastructure Agency and the regional road administrations were tasked with reviewing and analyzing the state of the country's national roads and taking urgent measures to secure critical points. The aim was to prepare the main road arteries for the heavy traffic during the summer season.

In the month of July, the main repair of "Danube Bridge 1" near Ruse, worth BGN 45 million, will begin, which will be carried out without stopping traffic. Steps have been taken to implement the project for a tunnel under Mount Shipka. The design period is eight months. Construction will last about three and a half years. The construction of five tunnels with a total length of 4 km, 6 bridges, 1 underpass, etc. is planned. In order to facilitate travel along the "Struma" highway near Simitli, by the end of July, a 600 m section will be built to the junction for Bansko, from the place where it now ends and turns into a two-lane road. In May, the main repair of 34 km of the third-class road through the Dyulin Pass in the Varna region began, work is about to start on 32 km in the Burgas region. After 45 years of operation, on June 5 of this year a construction permit was issued and major repairs started on 15.7 km of the third-class Madrets - Galabovo road. The modernization of the route between Ruzhintsi and the bypass of Montana begins. Active work is also being done on the renovation of the tunnels along AM "Hemus", which will be ready in July, in order to travel without difficulty during the active summer tourist season.

The caretaker government has started transferring advances to municipalities under the Investment Program for Municipal Projects. More than BGN 54 million have already been paid. The signing of agreements for the financing of objects with funds from the state budget continued. They are a total of 1,098 worth more than BGN 2.6 billion.

The recruitment of projects under a procedure worth BGN 200 million to increase the energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings in the coal regions of Bulgaria has begun, which is one of the measures to support their just transition.

Funding was secured for the reconstruction of nearly 5 km of water supply to solve the long-standing water quality crisis for the Plovdiv village of Brestovitsa.


With a decision of June 11 this year The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications gave the green light for the construction of one lane of the "Struma" freeway outside the Kresna Gorge, which provides one-way traffic from the Tower to Sofia. The procedure refers to changes to the already approved investment proposal as a result of the more detailed design phase, in which the conditions and measures from the 2017 EIA Decision were taken into account. The procedure was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the environmental regulations and has ended with a decision deciding that a new environmental impact assessment is not necessary. The amendment of the investment proposal is unlikely to have a significant negative impact on the environment, as well as on the protected areas of the Natura 2000 ecological network. This will make it possible to start work on the last section of the highway between Krupnik and Kresna.


The first 38 of a total of 76 modernized wagons that BDZ purchased from Deutsche Bahn were delivered. The first train left on June 22 in the direction to Burgas and will travel every day during the summer season. A contract for the supply of 7 double-decker trains was signed with the Polish company "Stadler Polska Sp. z o.o.”, which will be purchased with funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan. Negotiations for the delivery of 35 electric locomotives under the Recovery and Resilience Plan have been finalized and a contractor has been selected.


The Ministry of Culture has created a new methodology for financing the state cultural institutes, which will facilitate their work. At the same time, with BGN 30 million, an additional component was secured for the maintenance of state cultural institutes in the field of performing arts. Another BGN 7.4 million was approved by the cabinet - for Bulgarian cultural institutes abroad and international activities, for museum and gallery projects, for the visual arts, etc. The Minister of Culture, Maestro Nayden Todorov, and the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra have made new digital recordings of the anthems of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union, which can be downloaded from the government website for free.


The official cabinet solved the problem of the lack of legal regulation regarding the concessionaires and tenants of sea beaches, who organized their activities before the adoption of the new Ordinance on water rescue activities and the security of sea beaches. The existing gap in the procedure for exercising control of the sea beaches was also overcome. Conditions have been created for the normal and peaceful operation of tourist sites during the current summer season.

On the initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, within six days, the draft for the ZID of the Law on Foreigners was moved, so that at the end of its mandate, the 49th National Assembly voted in one day on the first and second reading changes to the Law on Foreigners in the Republic Bulgaria, with which it allowed workers from third countries to extend their stay in the country in order to guarantee service throughout the tourist season.

In July, the implementation of the platform for the production and issuance of work permits for foreigners began, which will facilitate the Bulgarian business in hiring personnel from third countries. Thus, the process will be fully digitized and will reduce the administrative burden.

The delay of several months in the administration of the program for humanitarian assistance to displaced persons from Ukraine granted temporary protection was overcome. The Council of Ministers ensured the payment of funds worth BGN 9,275,665.80 under the Program for the period from November 2023 to February 2024. The documents for the months of March and April 2024 have also been prepared.


In the mandate of the caretaker government, after a meeting between Prime Minister Glavchev and the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Matthias Korman, Bulgaria for the first time received a specific deadline for its accession to the OECD - until the end of 2025. This is a good horizon and it is very important that the institutions continue to maintain a high pace of work, so that in less than two years our country will be part of the organization in which some of the most developed economies in the world are members. The official cabinet continued to work on other foreign policy priorities - Bulgaria's membership in Schengen and on land.

The Ministry of Economy and Industry was a co-organizer of the XVI International Exhibition for Defense Products and Services "HEMUS 2024". The event was intended for Bulgarian and foreign companies and non-profit organizations that carry out research, production and commercial activities in the field of defense technology, as well as in the areas of anti-terrorism and security. More than 150 exhibitors from 25 countries took part in this year's edition of the "Hemus" exhibition.

The Ministry of Innovation and Growth ranked 11 industrial zones and parks in the country, which will receive support in the amount of BGN 207 million under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan. Priority is given to projects in Northern Bulgaria in order to reduce regional imbalances. Investments in Sofia, Plovdiv and Balchik with a total value of over BGN 53 million were supported under the Investment Promotion Act. An application procedure was also opened under the "Competitiveness" program for family businesses, enterprises from the creative industries and crafts. Micro and small enterprises apply for BGN 117.5 million to improve their production capacity and market presence, and can receive from BGN 15 thousand to BGN 150 thousand.

The National Company of Industrial Zones under the Ministry of Economy and Industry attracted 4 new investors with projects with a total value of nearly BGN 40 million, which will create more than 65 jobs. Currently, NKIZ is in the process of negotiations with several investors, the largest of which are companies from Germany, Abu Dhabi, Turkey, as well as from Bulgaria. The investments of just two of these companies have a total value of over BGN 155 million and will create over 500 new jobs.


A number of bills were prepared on the NPVU, including the Bill on Insolvency of Individuals. The so-called "Law for the Eternal Debtor" offers a legal framework for the bankruptcy proceedings of natural persons, which includes a repayment plan, liquidation of property, as well as bankruptcy proceedings in the absence of income and property of natural persons.

The mandate of the caretaker government saw the resumption of the work of the Criminological Research Council as an expert advisory body on the state's penal policy, chaired by the Minister of Justice. Among the main functions of the Council is to organize the performance of criminological studies, based on the data and conclusions from which to initiate changes in the regulatory framework - codes, laws, etc.

The Ministry of Justice publicly presented the first prison without bars in our country, built near the village of Samoranovo in Dupni according to the Norwegian model. The project, funded by the Kingdom of Norway in the amount of BGN 42 million, includes the construction of a new pilot prison for 400 inmates and a training center for 100 employees of the GDIN. This is also the first new prison in our country for over 60 years. Two new detention centers were officially opened - in Petrich and in the village of Samoranovo. The goal is to create modern conditions for the accommodation of convicts in accordance with the requirements of European norms and standards.


The caretaker government ensured the preparation and participation of the Bulgarian delegation at the Olympic Games in Paris, and with the assistance of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, nearly 40,000 dollars owed by the Bulgarian Weightlifting Federation to the international headquarters were secured, which were an obstacle to the participation of the Bulgarian weightlifters at the biggest sports forum. Bulgarian athletes won 16 quotas for the Games in 2024 and 6 more are expected.

At the same time, the financing of sports clubs is 100% guaranteed. According to the Program for the Development of Sports Clubs, 915 projects of sports clubs in 56 types of sports with a total value of BGN 14,334,740 have been approved. In this way, the commitment made by the Ministry of Youth and Sports upon taking office to overcome the delay and quickly secure the Bulgarian clubs was fulfilled. Funds were provided for the financial provision and subsequent implementation of the pilot programs "Sports - a way of life" and "Sports hour", which were threatened with failure due to a lack of funds in the MMC budget.

In conclusion, the Council of Ministers recalls that, within the framework of its mandate, the official cabinet also provided nearly 11 million leva for the repair of churches, mosques and monasteries, including 3 million leva, with which to start the repair work on the road from the port to the monastery "St. Int. Georgi Zograf" in Sveta Gora, Mount Athos.

BGN 780,000 was also allocated for the overhaul of the monument to Hristo Botev in Vratsa. With another additional BGN 10.5 million, the government made it possible to recover damages from the disaster in Karlovsko.

The official cabinet also started active work on the modernization of border crossings. The first focus is our border with Turkey, which has the prospect of becoming the busiest in the world in just a few years. Talks were started on the topic with the Turkish side regarding the Kapitan Andreevo - Kapakule border crossing and the Malko Tarnovo - Derekoy border crossing. | BGNES