The Council of Ministers in an extraordinary session in connection with the package of tax laws

The Council of Ministers is meeting in an extraordinary meeting today in connection with the bills for amendments and additions to the tax laws, which need to be passed before the 2024 budget is submitted to the parliament, a BGNES reporter reported.

During the meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation (NCTC), no agreement was reached in connection with the changes to the Law on Value Added Tax, which provided for the extension until June 30, 2024, of the period for the application of a zero rate of tax for the supply of bread and flour. The suggestion that the client has the right not to pay for the given goods or services in case of non-issuance of a receipt was also not supported.

NCTC supported the proposed draft laws to implement and supplement the Law on Local Taxes and Fees and the Law on Excise and Tax Warehouses.

With regard to the remaining drafts of the package of tax laws, respectively the amendments to the Value Added Tax Act, the amendments to the Personal Income Tax Act, the amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Act and the amendments to the Tax-Insurance Procedure Code Act, the social partners supported some of the measures and opposed others.

A number of proposals were made, some of which the Ministry of Finance should consider further and refine part of the texts accordingly.

After the end of the meeting, Finance Minister Asen Vasilev stated that, in general, there is support for the main measures, which are related to increasing the collection and parameters in the laws. "There are some measures that are subject to refinement, including with the Organization of Chartered Accountants as well to see how the measures will not burden businesses in the filing process," he said.

Vasilev pointed out that they are also working with the businesses, with which to specify any change in the measures that are planned for the respective industries and their refinement. He expressed his gratitude for the principled support expressed in most of the changes included in the tax legislation.

"Even before the publication of the tax laws, we made it clear that we were betting on the return of the 20 percent rate for restaurateurs, with the only chance to stay at the 9 percent rate from the point of view of the Ministryof Finance, as the parliament has the final say, the measures actually are all about shining a light on the shady part of the business," the finance minister also said. Vassilev announced that the conversation continues until the moment when the package of tax laws is not submitted to the parliament. /BGNES