The Bulgarian team took 3 medals from the International Geography Olympiad in Dublin

The International Geography Olympiad took place from August 19 to 24 in Dublin, Ireland.

One silver and two bronze medals were won by the Bulgarian team at the 20th iGEO, International Geography Olympiad, which took place from August 19 to 24 in Dublin, Ireland.

Alexander Iliev from Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisiy Hilendarski" brought the silver to Bulgaria. Bronze medals went to Anna Pashova, a student from 91. German Language High School "Prof. Konstantin Galabov" and the youngest member of the team Bozhidar Rizov, a student of the First Private Mathematical High School.

Participants went through a test, fieldwork and multimedia exam along with nearly 200 other participants from 50 countries. The heads of the team are Ch. PhD, Kaloyan Tsvetkov, lecturer at the University of Sofia "St. Kliment of Ohrid" and Daniel Hristov, teacher at NPMG "Ak. Lyubomir Chakalov", Sofia. | BGNES