The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe leader Ilhan Kyuchuk: Europe should include the candidate countries - it's a matter of security!

The Prime Ministers, Commissioners and leaders of the European political families belonging to the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament met today in Brussels, ahead of the regular meeting of the European Council, to discuss their united position on Europe's role in the context of the complicating se geopolitical situation. ALDE leader Ilhan Kyuchuk was among the key figures at the meeting, which focused on tackling migration, economic uncertainty, the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Kyuchuk emphasized the importance of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament and the role of liberals in shaping the overall image and vision of Europe.

He denounced terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, touting liberal support for Israel and its people, while stressing the need to find a path to peace in the region. Kyucyuk also called for a humanitarian pause, reduction of tension and actions, in full respect of international humanitarian law.

Kyucyuk emphasized the Liberal Party's support for the possibility of Ukraine and Moldova sending their deputies as observers to Brussels while the two countries await the EU accession process. The leader of ALDE pointed out that the liberals have repeatedly proposed the inclusion of representatives of the member states from the Western Balkans as observers in various formats of significance for the road ahead for the EU, for example in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The summit, before the European Council, was attended by European Council President Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron, prime ministers and commissioners from the European liberal-centrist political family. /BGNES