Stoyanov: The Geiger database is a basic mechanism for effective countermeasures against terrorism

The Minister of Interior, Kalin Stoyanov, welcomed the participants in the Second Global Conference on the Geiger Project, which is being held in Sofia, Bulgaria at the initiative of Interpol.

We accept the fact that Bulgaria is hosting the event, which unites working groups from the regions of the Black Sea, the Caucasus, South-East Asia and Africa, as a kind of evaluation of the efforts made by our country in the effective counteraction of organized crime - a result achieved by collaboration with colleagues from Interpol, Minister Stoyanov emphasized in his speech. He thanked for the consistent initiative of the International Criminal Police Organization Interpol, evidence of which is the holding of the Second Global Conference on the Geiger Project - a platform that enables active information exchange related to the possible threats from the trafficking of radio frequency and nuclear materials and the identification of their potential use for criminal activity at national, regional and international levels.

Today's format is a platform for active sharing of opinions and experiences between law enforcement experts. It will allow the acceleration of future interaction not only in specific cases in the region and will encourage the use of the Interpol toolkit, commented Minister Stoyanov. He expressed confidence that the Geiger database as an information technology system will enable timely information sharing - a key mechanism for effective countermeasures against terrorist threats.

The Minister of Interior assured the participants in the global format that Bulgaria accepts membership in the International Criminal Police Organization, which unites 196 countries, with great responsibility. In his words, Interpol is a key factor that coordinates the international cooperation of police authorities from different countries in the fight against criminal crime, builds common policies and expert networks and defends our common mission to protect the freedom won for all of us.

Bulgaria hosts the Second Global Geiger Project Conference. It is attended by representatives of the General Secretariat of Interpol, 36 countries from the regions of Southeast Asia, South Africa, the Black Sea and the Caucasus, and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The first analog format was realized in 2022 in Istanbul. /BGNES