Radev: The primary goal of Bulgarian diplomacy is to strengthen authority

As the primary tasks of Bulgarian diplomacy, President Radev singled out the achievement of the goals set in the Constitution in foreign policy, the strengthening of the authority, role and voice of Bulgaria in the unions of which it is a member, the protection of the rights and interests of the Bulgarian communities abroad, the defence of trade and economic interests of Bulgaria.

At the commemoration of the 145th anniversary of the establishment of the Diplomatic Service, the President called on the Bulgarian diplomats with their expertise, position and principles not to allow any momentary political conjuncture to divert Bulgaria from its strategic national priorities.

In today's extremely high dynamics of geopolitical processes and challenges related to the deteriorating security environment, the rapid rise of technologies, the deepening of the consequences of climate change, the increasingly fierce economic competition, the massive violation of human rights and the offensive against democracy, the expectations before the Bulgarian diplomatic service is constantly growing. This was stated by the head of state Rumen Radev on the occasion of the commemoration of the 145th anniversary of the establishment of the Diplomatic Service of Bulgaria, which was held at the "Boyana" residence. It was attended by acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitar Glavchev, Vice President Iliana Yotova, His Holiness Bulgarian Patriarch Daniil, representatives of the executive power, the National Assembly, Bulgarian diplomats and representatives of the diplomatic corps in our country.

As the primary tasks of Bulgarian diplomacy, President Radev singled out the achievement of the goals set in the Constitution in foreign policy, the strengthening of the authority, role and voice of Bulgaria in the unions of which it is a member, the protection of the rights and interests of the Bulgarian communities abroad, the defence of trade and economic interests of Bulgaria. "Besides working together with our partners, Bulgaria must actively participate with its initiatives and voice in these unions and be an important factor in determining their strategies and policies," said the head of state. Rumen Radev pointed out that it is extremely important for our foreign policy and the guarantee of the national security and independence of the country and assistance in establishing a fair international order.

According to the head of state, against the background of full-scale war in the heart of Europe, this goal also takes on paramount importance. "Along with your contribution to strengthening our defence capabilities and collective defence within NATO with our allies and partners from the EU, I expect Bulgarian diplomacy to actively participate in all international formats aimed at an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a just peace and the return of international relations to the basis of international law," Rumen Radev also stated. Among other key priorities for our diplomats, the head of state indicated the continuation and deepening of European integration in various areas and joining the OECD.

Thanks to the knowledge, skills and patriotism of the Bulgarian diplomats, our country managed to achieve important strategic foreign policy interests and take its rightful place in our European and Euro-Atlantic family, noted Rumen Radev and congratulated the diplomats and employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and our diplomatic missions abroad, as well as the "veteran" diplomats who continue to work for the causes of Bulgarian diplomacy with the same dedication.

Rumen Radev also highlighted the contribution of our country to the stability, security and prosperity of Southeast Europe. He emphasized Bulgaria's strong foreign policy traditions in the region and reminded of the significant strategies and projects aimed precisely at this security, stability and prosperity. The head of state also emphasized our country's role in European integration into the countries of the Western Balkans. "Let's not forget that we set a very strong example of how to build good neighbourly relations, how to lend a hand, but also how we stand as a corrective for this process to be irreversible and sustainable because it must be based on the principle of own merits and extremely important - the observance of human rights", President Radev pointed out.

The head of state also pointed out that in the last few years, with its active diplomacy, expertise and activity, Bulgaria set an example of how crises can provoke us to rethink the concepts of solidarity, good neighbourliness and cooperation, and highlighted the achievements of our country in the energy, transport and digital sectors connectivity in the region. "Bulgaria continues to play a huge role precisely with its initiatives, openness, goodwill and thanks to them it guarantees not only our national energy security but also helps our partners and allies to achieve the same", emphasized Rumen Radev.

As a particularly important priority of diplomacy, President Radev emphasized the protection of the rights and interests of Bulgarian minorities and communities abroad and added that in this direction a lot of work is ahead in terms of legislation, a comprehensive strategy, and resources and prepared people.

The head of state also noted that over the years, as a result of the lack of financial and personnel resources, as well as foresight, Bulgaria has gradually withdrawn from important regions in which it had a strong political, diplomatic and economic presence. For example, the president singled out the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, Central and East Asia, and Latin America, where Bulgarian diplomacy has yet to return with resources and initiatives.

The economization of foreign policy has no alternative, the head of state also stated, reminding that in today's world of fierce economic competition, Bulgaria ranks last in the EU in terms of attracting foreign investments. Therefore, your role as economic, and trade agents is as important as the diplomatic role you have, the president pointed out.

"Bulgaria needs clear priorities, achieved with a solid internal consensus and a clear and comprehensive vision and strategy for their achievement. We need strong structures and tools and, above all, extremely well-prepared and motivated personnel, and that's you," the president addressed the Bulgarian diplomats. He pointed out that diplomacy is a vocation that has always been accompanied by high morals, responsibility and patriotism, and in its history the Bulgarian diplomatic service has proven, and is still proving today, that it has such people.

In his speech, the head of state called on the Bulgarian diplomats with their expertise, position and principles to work precisely in such a way as not to allow any momentary political conjuncture and fleeting political interests to divert us from strategic national priorities and to frivolously waste the work and achievements of generations of Bulgarian diplomats." I believe that you have the strength, persistence and dedication to achieve it," the president also said. | BGNES